Chapter 16

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They passed the winter in Terras, Alexia preferred it that way. She needed to get away from her home, the place where everything reminded her of Penelope. Their courtship was dull by comparison. Most sovereign houses would allow plenty of access to their courting heirs but Leander and Alexia felt they didn't owe anything to anyone. A few token appearances and photo opportunities was all they granted.

Most of their time was spent in the north, secluded in the mountains far away from prying eyes. It was a place not long ago Alexia would have considered a prison but now found tranquil. They spend their days hiking, fishing and of course training. If she could, Alexia would never leave, she had all she needed. But as the snows melted and their wedding drew closer her paranoia that lay dormant all winter while they were tucked away between the mountains began to stir. There was a faceless menace still out there and as far as Alexia was concerned, they were coming to destroy what remained of her world.

It was tradition among sovereign houses for the departing heir to host the wedding so they would marry in Corella. The cars pulled up to their rustic hideaway just after dawn on the first day of spring. The sovereign airliner carrying the entire Thorn family had landed on a small airstrip just outside Bruin's Den, and awaited Leander and Alexia's arrival before departing for Corella. The wedding was in two weeks and there were preparations to be made.

The short two hour flight was quiet among the reserved Thorn family. Isobel took the seat next to Alexia and the two became engrossed in conversation that lasted all the way to the gates of Adelina's Mount. Isobel was nothing like her own mother. Like Alexia her mother had a fiery temper and little patience which often lead the two to clash. But despite their frequent arguments Alexia could always go to her mother when she felt sad and her mother's prickly demeanor would soften. She would stroke Alexia's hair and everything would melt away. Alexia missed that motherly warmth terribly but was heartened to feel that same comfort while she spoke with Isobel.

It was afternoon when the long line of black vehicles arrived at Adelina's Mount. Six months had passed since Alexia had seen her home which left Alexia feeling muddled. Happy to be home, but fearful of the memories that home would conjure.

Those fears were quickly pushed to the back of her mind when her car rolled to a stop in front of the Sovereign Tower and she spotted a familiar face. Leaping from the car Alexia squealed to a smiling Captain Silva, "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I'd miss your wedding did you?" Captain Silva said as she squeezed Alexia tight.

Although Christian initially refused to accept her resignation, he was forced to by an angry public. She did however receive a very generous severance package from the king.

"We spoke last week, why didn't you tell me you would be here?" Alexia asked.

"I wanted to surprise you"- she looked over Alexia's shoulder to the approaching Leander-"well, you look a lot healthier than the last time I saw you," Captain Silva said as she embraced him.

"Food and bathing will do that for a person," Leander said. "Taking a break from retired life?"

"There's only so much sand and fruity drinks a person can handle without needing a break," Captain Silva said with a smile.

"Where's Christian?" Alexia asked, searching the front courtyard.

Captain Silva motioned with her chin to the doorway of the Sovereign Tower and down the steps walked Christian, arm and arm with Sofia Gramont.

Alexia recoiled with her face contorted at the sight of the pair descending the steps.

Captain Silva placed her hand on Alexia's back and whispered, "Stay calm and hear the story behind this before you react."

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