Finding New Friends

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You were in gymnastics when you were younger. Your gymnastics coach was Aurelia Dobre but she retired. You started gymnastics when you were about 6 years old but she retired when you were 12. You are now 19 and not in gymnastics anymore but you still love to do them. Your name is Lauren Hernandez in this story.

I have my own house and was running out of groceries so I went to the grocery store. When I was there I saw 4 boys walking around talking to a camera. When I saw them I said to myself, 'amateurs' but when the one with pointy black hair walked over to me he looked familiar. He almost looked like...Cyrus.
"Can I have your number?" He asked. "Cyrus?" I asked.
"Yes?" He said confused. Then I walked over to the rest of the boys and they also looked familiar. I studied them closer and I remembered who they are.
"Well if it isn't the Dobre Brothers." I said.
"Wait. Lauren?" They all said.
"Yup! Group hug?" I said. We all hugged and talked for a little bit.
"Floor is lava!" Darius said. He started counting down from 5 so I got on his back and said. "Haha I win."
"Ok but I'm bored can we go home?" He said.
"Sure. You wanna come with us Lauren?" Cyrus asked me.
"Sure. Lead the way." I said. They got in their cars and I got in mine. They started going to their house and I followed them. We got to their house and Cyrus and Darius pulled into their garage and I pulled up behind them then Lucas and Marcus pulled up beside me and got out.
"Our mom will be so happy to see you again." Marcus said.
"I know I will be." I said.
"So your not happy to see us!?" Darius said offended.
"Haha. You've always made laugh." I said.
( A/n: BTW you're about as tall as Cyrus.)
We walked in the house to be greeted by their mom.
"Hey boys." She said. "Wait. Lauren?"
"The one and only." I said. She gave me a hug. She let go of the hug and we caught up a bit.
"Man! I forgot how much fun this place is." I said in amazement.
"So how has your mom been?" She asked.
" mom?" I said fighting back tears. My mom and dad died a couple years ago in a car wreck.
"Yeah sweetie your mom." She repeated.
"Um she died in a car accident a couple years ago...and before you ask...m-my dad also d-died the s-same day." I said stuttering a little. They all gave me a hug and I smiled.
"Thanks. I needed that. Now when do I see that gym of yours?" I asked them.
"How do you know we have a gym?" Darius asked.
"You don't think that I'm part of the Dobre Fam?" I say offended.
"Yeah Darius!" All the boys said.
"So will we go to the gym now or not?" I said.
"Yeah come on." Darius said. We all got in their car and went to the gym.
*At the Gym*
The boys were getting ready in the bathrooms and then I pulled their mom aside.
"What if I play what are the odds with Darius and make them wear leotards?" I said.
"Omg that would be so funny." She said. The boys came out of the bathroom and told them what I want to do.
"Hey do you guys have your camera?" I asked.
"Yeah why?" Cyrus said.
"Because I want to record this for memories." I said.
"Ok." Darius said. He went to get the camera and came back a few seconds later. He turned the camera on and handed it to Cyrus.
"What up Dobre fam? We met up with a old friend at a grocery store earlier and we were spending the day with her. She wanted to see the gym so here we are. This is Lauren Hernandez." He said.
"You guys are in for a treat today. I
I think it'll be very funny. Dar come help me." I said.
"Ok." He said.
"You now how your mom and I are wearing leotards but it seems like you guys never wear any?" I said.
"Oh my god." He said.
"Sooo...what are the odds that you guys...and your dad...put leotards on...and we walk into Walmart like everything is totally natural?" I said laughing.
"Oh my god! I'm not doing that." He said.
"Dar if we get the number you have to." I said.
"Fine." He said.
"Ok 1 out of 5 1-2-3..."

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