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"No more phone for Darius!" I said and dropped his phone into the pit. Then he ran over to me, picked me up, and basically threw me into the foam pit.
"No more Lauren for the world." He said. I started giggling and he joined me when we were interrupted by Lucas.
"Ahh young love." He said.
"Hey we're older than you." I told him.
"Sorry I meant old love." He said.
"So now you're calling us old now? Dog pile on Lucas!" I screamed. We all ran to him and jumped onto him. He was screaming for us to get up.
*After Gym because I'm too lazy to write about it*
"Wanna go get some food?" Cyrus asked.
"Sure?" I said more like a question.
"Don't worry we're not gonna kill you." Dari said.
"Thanks I appreciate it." I told him. We went to I HOP and got a late dinner or early breakfast.
"So where do you live?" Aurelia asked.
"Well I'm living in an apartment right now kinda struggling to pay rent." I said being completely honest.
"I don't believe that." Marcus said.
"I swear I'm being completely honest." I said.
"Well maybe you could live with us." Boz said.
"Oh no I couldn't let you do that." I said.
"We insist and we wont take no for an answer." Aurelia said.
"Well thank you." I said.
Please help me I'm going brain dead for this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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