Phase 4: Fatherly Love? HAHA WRONG!

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[3/14/2012 9:59:43 PM | Edited 10:00:47 PM] Lex Kawagami: *hearing banging on the door Lex gets up and walks to the door* Who Is It?

Unknown Man: Package

....(really now?) *summon's sword from side and slowly answers the door as a man also with more of a 19 century sword, attacks and grazed Lex's side*

who the fuck?!

UM: you really don't look like Airen do you?

h-how do you know my mother *eyes get blurry* (SHIT! p-poison?!)

UM: thats no way to speak to your only father


UM: i cannot allow you to hang around the 'Broken Prince' it'd be bad if your emotions for him incresed *kicks Lex in the head as she screams in pain, her head starts bleeding* hm? no flames *kicks again* YOU MUST have SOMTHING? *stomps on chest* get her into the car....*kuro hides and wait for them to leave and runs out of the house down the block to Naya and Jenn's*

[3/14/2012 10:05:27 PM] Tae ☆: -walk out the from door of his apartment, then feeling sick all of a sudden, then it goes away after a few seconds-

(W-what was that feeling..)

-looks around quickley, then getting in his car and driving to Naya and Jenn's house-

(Something wrong.. I can feel it..)

-drives into their driveway, getting out of the car not bothering to remove his keys and races to the door, going in with out knocking-

Somethings wrong!

[3/14/2012 10:10:19 PM | Edited 10:11:24 PM] Lex Kawagami: Jenn: *opens door* SEE NAYA I TOLD YOU HE'D COME!

Naya: fuck...i just lost 50 bucks...

Jenn: Kurochii told us, Lex was napped by her 'father' of course...Jospeh Kasade

*somewhere elsewhere*

nnn...*wakes up*

Joseph: you've waken up! good, i'll get right to the point

FUCK THAT!! who the FUCK do you think you are?!?! *burst into flames braking the thing holder her and walking to him flames growing*

Joseph: i am you father, a researcher...*laughs* and the one who issued your clan's demise!! you know, the little details

WHAT?!!??! *flames burn throught the hole room causing an explosion.

[3/14/2012 10:12:05 PM] Tae ☆: -eyes go red emediatly from anger and begins to shake a bit-

Where did he take her?

[3/14/2012 10:20:45 PM | Edited 10:22:23 PM] Lex Kawagami: Naya: look here *throws IPad with some info and picture from the scan*, News flash!..seems she's pissed off and already burned half of her holding...also *faces computer* i think iv'e found a way to control and talk to Haru *messes with keys and hits 'enter' as the control glowed and slowly haru awoke

Haru:..where am i?

Jenn: Were Friends with Lex, we need you help in finding her

Haru: d-did i hurt her?!

Jenn: nope, she was fine until---*cutoff*

Haru: Papa has her *breaks glass then walks up to Teamin*...sis has the strongest bond with you...i feel it...*turns around* s-she's under there *points to ground*

Naya: FUCK! Lex cant go there! the underworld would effect her power stababilty! seems that tower's an opeing portal to it *gets up*

Jenn: Haru, cant we trust you?

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