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She found herself in a room, dimly lit. Her head ached and the muscles in her legs and arms felt strained.Trying to get a full picture of what had happened Anya realized her wrists were bound behind her…her feet spread apart and bound at the ankles. At first she struggles against the binds, eventually knowing that she was not going anywhere.

 Hanging her head Anya thinks back….the party…only knowing the person that she went with. But how well did she really know him. He was the “cute” guy at work- all the girls eyeballed him. When he asked her to go to the party of course she jumped at the chance. Andy had “something” about him that just made you curious to know more and she was hoping that she was about to find out more. She found the cutest short dark blue skirt and cream silky top to wear. She slipped on her 3” heels after making up her face and flipping her hair just right. The necklace she chose hung right in the middle of her cleavage…..just to make sure that it is seen. She paced the floor waiting for Andy to show…then hearing the car pull up she became even more nervous. Anya kept telling herself-It’s just a date…settle yourself down”.  Opening the door up slowly he stood there taking up the doorway with his presence. Holding out his hand Anya took it and quickly shut the door as she stepped out.

The drive to the party was pretty relaxed-mostly talk about work and some personal conversation.

The house or should I say mansion they pulled up to was sunken back into the shadows.  Anya slid out the car and just stood and stared until she felt his hand in hers…at first gentle …but the grip tightened just a little drawing Anyas attention from the house to him. Andy was looking down at Anya then said in a harsh whisper, “tonight will be an awakening for you like you will never believe….” She just stood and stared at him not knowing what to say or think. Gripping his hand back she followed him up the walk and stairs…..the double doors opened instantly where we were greeted- he as Sir and Anya by her name. Inside was brightly lit and people busy talking, dancing, drinking etc..

She remembers being led to one group then another, meeting people and just as quickly forgetting their names. With champaigne in her hand Anya just followed as he led. At some point she remembers being brought out on the balcony-the fresh air was a relief. She was left a lone for a moment as fresh drinks were brought out to her by Andy. Leaning back agaisnt the railing was the last she remembers…..the crisp air of the night being replaced by the dimly lit room she was bound in.   

Anya trys to look around, squinting her eyes to see better, but not being able to see anything. Wiggling her fingers her hands….trying the binds at her hands……she thinks of screaming but does not think this is going to help. Hanging her head back down tears fall slowly down her cheeks. She hears a noise and realizes it is a door opening….all she sees is a figure walking thru….a figure she has watched many times. Staring at Andy….finally being able to form words…..”Why have you done this…….please….please let me go……”   He came closer, running his hand down her hair down to the binds on her wrist. Gripping a bunch of her hair in his hand, bringing her head back up with a slight tug. Seeing the tears that have run down her face he smiles.  As she stares up at him Andy says, “ you are exactly where you belong. I have been watching you and have seen how you are with others. Deep inside there is something that im going to bring out in you…..and once ive done this you will forget any other way. “  Bringing his other hand up to push the tears away, “ Anya you have a need to serve…..and you will. You have a need to be used……and you will. You have a need to be trained and punished…..and please believe me will." Stepping behind her Andy releases the binds on her wrists, “im sure that you have a need to relieve yourself….and you may. “  Pointing to a bucket in the corner as he leans down to undo the ankles. At first she is speechless…..then manages to say  "you want me to use a bucket? I don’t want all these things you mentioned…I want to leave….to go home. I promise I wont say a thing to anyone.”  Grabbing up her hair again, “ you weren’t told to speak or give any opinions Anya….you were being given the chance to relieve yourself….if you don’t want that then you will be bound back up.” She manages to nod as he lets go she steps away from him. Walking slowly to the corner where it at least was covered up in darkness, reaching up to pull her panties down and stands in shock  realizing they were gone. She hears from the center of the room "Hurry”. She squats down trying not to touch the rim of the bucket, holding onto the side of the walls hearing the splash of the liquid hitting the bottom of the bucket…..the only sound in the room. Squatting as long as she could as there is nothing to wipe with, then finally standing up and adjusting her skirt.  She walks back to the center of the room….looking to the side to the door…seeing that it is closed. As she stands in front of him…hands on hips…..she feels the intensity of the stare boring into her…..enough for her to drop her hands. “The first thing you will learn is that you will be on your knees when you are with me unless told to do otherwise. “ With this said Andy placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed down until she was finally on her knees. He was surprised that she was not struggling against him. Looking down at her as she is down on her knees, “ straighten your back…..spread your knees…..I want your hands behind your back……NOW!”  with the command Anya jumped slightly and moved as he demanded. She was confused as to why this was happening to her….but even more so…..why she was following his orders.  Looking up, “Andy please don’t do this … not what you think.”   Moving his hand under her chin lifting it up…..”you will not call me Andy….in time you will forget that person… will for now call me Sir. I know exactly what you are and I am going to show you who you are…..and you will be proud of this new position in life.” Shaking as she is knelt down he tells her to turn around on her knees so that she is facing the place she was bound. Knowing she had no other option she did as told. “Now I want you to lean forward..staying on your knees…. With your arms spread….head down…….”  Taking in a deep sigh…..Anya does as she’s told… she feels the right then the left wrist bound in the leather strips….popping her head up quickly looking left to right…shaking her head as she pulls at the binds… “You wont be going anywhere so stop tugging” as she feels the back of her skirt being lifted up. “Nooooooooo…” was all she was able scream as she wiggle around for the cloth to fall back down, unbeknownst to her that it really wasnt covering up much in this postion any how.  She next felt a heavy boot on the small of her back….”Be still…..we are just starting….BE STILL….”  Anya slowly stopped moving around and the boot was removed…the cloth brought back up and she fought the urge to wiggle again. A warm hand moved along her lower waist…as she held her breath…..circling…..then lower…..goosebumps formed all over her body. The warmth moved over one cheek then the other…..almost too soft…..moving back to her lower waist then slowly back down the middle as she felt a finger trace along the crack. She tried to push her bottom down and with this she felt the quick smart feel of a smack on her bare flesh.   “SSTToooppppp…….” Breathing heavily as the sting spread across the rest of the cheek….the hand moving back to where it originally started, then the finger again following the crack only deeper this time…..all the way down to where it brushed her lips, dipping only slightly inside of her and then back up slowly. Letting her breath out slowly as she felt pressure at her mouth, opening her eyes to see  Andy….his hand at her mouth as he was pushing his finger between her lips. “Taste….it is the taste of innocence…..never again will you taste like this again….”  Opening her mouth slightly as the finger slipped in…as she tasted herself as he rubbed his fingertip along her tongue back and forth…then back out to trace her lips. She knew at this time her life was forever changed.

My first story. Hoping to submit a 2nd chapter. Enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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