4th grade

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In fourth grade this guy named Ryan was being mean so I didn't like him.

He used to beg me to like him,  I kept on asking him why do you care if one girl doesn't like you? Well he said : Because everyone likes me!I said  Well not me!

Eventually I did start likeing him as a friend but then later more than friends.

So yea yea I liked him and we flirted.

Like everyday we walked together on the track everyday. People were like 'you guys should go out! We just laughed and smiled. He didn't mind people telling us that. It was fun, but he changed when we "'dated"'.

So Ryan asked me out and I said yes but he stopped walking with me. He said he didn't want people to know we were dating, BUT EVERYONE KNEW ANYWAYS!!!

So I knew he was lying. He also stopped texting me so finally I decided my life is good already so i didn't need any complications.

Yea after he dated another girl. Every girl likef him and he was a player,I found out he was a jerk after we broke up and me and my friends made a club called dated Ryan. Its a stupid name but we were in 4th grade!

We talked about him and we asked eachother questions like: what did he say or do to you when you gys dated? And what do you know we all said the same thing.

We knw he was a player so we warned girls and stuff . We also hated him so he was miserable. I mean EVERYONE DOES T HAVE TO LIKE YOU! Its life.....

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