Sebastian X Ciel

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Black Butler Fan-fiction

Sebastian x Ciel

One early morning that started with a cup of earl tea Ciel woke up from his bed chambers to the sound of his hell of a butler Sebastian Michaelis he was asking if he wanted toast, scone or parfait
"scone" softly replied Ciel
"happy birthday my lord" said Sebastian
"why you say happy birthday no day is a happy day ever since then" thinking
back sadly to that burning night Ciel frowned, Sebastian buttoned Ciel's soft Cotten shirt and then he got up
"what is my schedule for today then"
"Entirely open your choice my lord"
"I shall rest in my study please"
"Very well my lord" and on his way he went up to his study.
Later that day in Ciel's study and went to his book shelf when he found this rather odd text it was about this thing called yaoi he did not understand what it was so he asked May Rin she replied back
"I don't know sir? maybe Sebastian knows ask him" so off Ciel walked to find about this unknown text he was curious about,
Soon later he had finally found Sebastian and was about to ask him the question when bursting though the doors came Elizabeth CIEL!!!!!! She screamed nearly choking him
" i got you this outfit when I seen you in it I instantly fell in love with it I have placed it on your bed go put it on and in the salon we will have a ball I will make it look pretty! As Ciel walked up to his chambers to asked Sebastian to come help him put the outfit.
Later in that room wile Sebastian was put the last bit of Ciel's outfit Sebastian asked
" Ciel is there something on your mind?" "We'll as you are asking about it I did have one thing what is yaoi?" Sebastian replied
" I will tell you later tonight but for now focus on Elizabeth ok?"
"Ok" as Ciel walked down the stairs Elizabeth admired him he look so nice in the blue outfit she got him,
"oh Ciel you look so dashing shall we dance" "we shall" Ciel replied and on the dance went on, it lasted a long time and finally ended as Ciel went to bed Ciel asked Sebastian
"did you call Elizabeth's mom" "yes" Sebastian replied
"so you where wondering what yaoi was right?" "Ya" replied Ciel
"Well let me show you...

To be continued! 😆

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