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"Blue! Wake up!" My ears were listening Luke's words but I felt my soul, in somewhere else. Finally I opened my eyes and I felt the relieve in my body again.

"Are you okay, baby?" I haven't realized I was crying until he wiped a single tear under my left eye. I felt so scared, what the fuck did I saw? Everything was so scary and a girl covered in blood, everything was awful! Did that was what he referred to regret it?

"I, I had a nightmare... That's all."

"Come on baby." Luke's arms brought me to his warm body, he is the only one who can get me in my normal state every time. The bed made a cracking noise when Luke cuddled me, making me jump from the sudden noise. My hands were shaking, like my whole body, and they were cold like if I had had a little piece of ice in my hand. I couldn't take out of my head the scene I saw in my nightmare, why did I dreamed that? I know why, him.

"Do you want a glass of water, Blue?" I just nodded, the words weren't coming out.

"But don't leave me alone... Please." I beg when I see him standing up from the bed.

"So come with me."

I love him so much, he is like my big brother, and I know he will make the biggest effort in everything just to make me feel comfortable and to protect me. We got out of my bed, silently, with caution so my parents wouldn't wake up. The night was cold, and I was just praying for the sun to came out. But it was just 1:40 a.m.

The water slid down my throat, refreshing my whole body. Luke was searching for something to eat in the fridge. The kitchen light was turned off, but we got the light from the moon, that was entering in the window in front of the sink.

My gaze lost in the beautiful and big moon.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Did I wanted to tell him?

"No... it was too much for just one night."

"Lets go back to bed, Blue Blue." he said, taking my hand with his and saying one of my nick names.

The sheets were cold against my hot skin, the memories from the nightmare haven't been erased from my mind, and I couldn't get to sleep correctly. In less than twenty minutes, Luke fell asleep, leaving me alone with my dreadful thoughts.

What would you do if something like all these, happened to you? You would probably think you are crazy, like I did when I thought I have seen something in the house, but I wasn't becoming insane, it was true, something that I don't really know how to call it got into my mind, scared the shit out of me and then told me to leave the house. Then when I try to get some sleep, I have a nightmare with a dead kind of girl covered in blood. In just one night.

I need to know what was that in the house. He isn't a human, because he didn't have legs, I just saw how he was like in some kind of black smoke. But he could talk, like me. Even more than me. He had the ability of scaring me and telling me awful things.

I'm beginning to think that what I feel that's behind me, when I feel like somebody is behind me, chasing me, its him.

What am I going to do?


Finally I woke up again, for the second time, but this time it was eight in the morning. I didn't get to sleep very well, my mind was filled with nightmares and creepy stuff that made my body shiver. Luke was still asleep, yesterday he fell asleep before me but I noticed in the middle of the night, how he would shift his body in the bed. Something he does when he can't sleep at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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