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"it means to be happy, you slut"

She quietly walked home, in complete bliss. She was so happy, the way she walked was like she was a drunk trying to get home safely. All she thought about was the night she had. His warm hands, how he held her tightly, and his cute little snores he made on her back.

"oppa.." Hye-Eun sighed, she kept mumbling his name every breath she took. Hye-Eun knew she was in love, and she also knew she shouldn't be in love.

She fell in love too quickly and knew it would be bad for her if she did. He was just so perfect. She stopped herself and continuously smacked her head.

"no, no, no." Hye-Eun stopped and realized what she was thinking; what she was saying. He was cute, he was sweet, but he's Jimin. That mean guy who works at the corner store. He's also that weird guy who smokes.

"Why is his dad involved with him smoking?" She started trailing off and thinking about him more. She thought about his reason for smoking all the way home. She walked into the house and set her things down. Would he smoke because his dad did something to him? Or maybe because his dad is the one who made him start smoking at a young age. She snapped her fingers and nodded to herself.

"Yes Jimin."

"Jimin?" Namjoon cocked his head and looked at his sister in confusion.

"Oh, Namjoon." Hye-Eun put Jimin in the back of her mind and turned her attention to Namjoon. "How are you bro?" She slightly punched his shoulder and smiled.

"Bro?" He chuckled, messing with the top of Hye-Eun's hair. "You're a girl, you shouldn't say bro."

"You're a guy, you shouldn't like Jin." She stared straight at him, letting her lips curl into a grin.

Namjoon's face turned slightly red as he slowly lowered his head. Hye-Eun knew that would shake him up. She quietly giggled and patted Namjoon's shoulder. "Bye." she giggled a little more "bro." Hye-Eun giggled all the way to her room. When she finally stopped, she thought about calling Jin. She wanted to tell him how she just messed with Namjoon, and especially about the night with Jimin.

She checked her pockets, but her phone wasn't there. Her body just suddenly went to panic mode, but she stopped herself. No, panic mode yet. She thought to herself. Just have to find my phone. She checked her coat pocket, and the clothes she had on. She stopped and realized what clothes she had on.

"Jimin!" she squeaked. Her phone is with Jimin and she's still wearing his clothes. "Ahh, Waaee!!" She continued whining, while rolling around on the floor. "Now I have to go see him."

Her door swung open and she quickly turned her head. "Aigoo." Namjoon looked down at Hye-Eun. "What are you whining about now? huh?"

"It's nothing," she hissed. "I'm going to the store." She stood up and grabbed the coat, which was still a little wet.

"Ani, Ani." Namjoon told Hye-Eun to wait and went to grab another one of his coats. "Take this one, it's raining still." He handed her the coat and took all her wet clothes. "I'll wash this stuff for you."

"Thank you bro." She smiled and quickly rushed out the house to Jimin. She had to admit, this was the first jacket Namjoon had given her that was actually really warm. It wasn't as warm as Jimin though. He was possibly the warmest thing she'd ever felt. Now, she just really wanted to see him and hug him.

Hye-Eun finally arrived to the store and quickly walked through the door out of breath. Jimin looked at her startled, as she woke him up from his wonderful nap. She quickly walked up to him, and saw a cigarette in his mouth, not lit yet. She walked behind the counter towards him. Jimin, still shocked to see her, didn't let out a word. Hye-Eun grabbed the cigarette out his mouth and stared at his lips. She bit down on her own, fighting the urge to kiss him.

"Y-Yah, why'd you do th-

She hugged him. She buried her face in his chest and just hugged him. She felt warm, she felt happy, it felt good. Jimin was silenced by her actions. He didn't hug her back, but Hye-Eun was fine with that. She just wanted to feel his warmth, cause nothing else could compare to it. She finally let go of him and backed away. She looked up to see Jimin still shocked.

"Oppa?" She tilted her head.

Jimin looked down at her, now finally realizing what happened. He touched his chest and rubbed it a little. It tingled, and he wanted it to stop.

"Yah." He finally stopped rubbing his chest and looked at Hye-Eun. "Why are you here? and why are you hugging me?" His face flushed a little red and Hye-Eun quietly laughed.

"I came for my phone." She pointed to the black phone in his hand, he had it tightly gripped. Hye-Eun put her hand out and waited to feel her phone in her hand. Jimin realized what he had in his hand and quickly gave it back to her.

"Here." He rolled his eyes and quickly tossed it in her hands.

"Pft, what's your problem?" she rolled her eyes, but quickly smiled when she opened her phone. "Woah, Jin called me so many times."

Jimin rolled his eyes to her comment and rested his cheek on his hand. Hye-Eun didn't pay him any mind and walked to the pudding section while calling back Jin. She grabbed her usual amount of 30 cups and walked up to Jimin.

"Aish, he won't answer." She put her phone down and handed Jimin her things.

"Must suck when your boyfriend doesn't answer." He mumbled under his breath while checking her things out.

"boyfriend?" Hye-Eun laughed uncontrollably. She couldn't stop. Jimin looked at her confused as she kept laughing. "You're funny." she said between laughs.

She grabbed her things and started walking out. She was stopped by someone. She looked up and let a big smile appear in her face. "Jiiiin!" She screamed.

"What's wrong with you?" he said worriedly. "I called you so many times, but you didn't answer so i tracked your phone."

"I'm sorry, Jimin had my phone." Hye-Eun quickly hugged Jin. "I left it at his place."

Jin slowly looked over at Jimin, who quickly jumped up. Jin walked over to Jimin and leaned over the counter. "You hurting my girl?" Jin was all in Jimin's face. Jimin swallowed his spit, and Jin laughed being able to hear his gulping sound.

"Ahh, you must not know I'm gay." He chuckled walking back over to Hye-Eun. "He must have been the one to answer your phone."

"Gay?" Jimin asked shocked.

"Yes, gay, it means happy you slut." Jin laughed and rolled his eyes. "but I do like men too."

Hye-Eun joined in on the laughing while her and Jin started walking out.

"H-Hye-Eun!" Jimin shouted her name making her turn around.

"What, you babo." she joked.

"I-I think I like you." he quietly said, but still loud enough for Hye-Eun to hear. She was a little shocked, but happy. Hye-Eun slowly walked out and turned to Jin.

"He likes me." She smiled.

Ooook soo i hope people enjoy this, I wanted to make this really good. Hopefully it is


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