Why Wattpad Annoys Me

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Hello, people who are probably not reading this. I know, I know, I know. I should REALLY be focusing on PFS, but I can't. I have no idea why. I've been sitting, staring at my laptop screen waiting for an inspiration to hit me, but nothing has come. So, to take a break from my story, I am going to rant on Wattpad. I really don't mean to offend anyone, but this is what annoys me on Wattpad.

1. Cliches. They annoy the crap out of me. I know that they're hard to avoid but people shouldn't make it so obvious. I'm tired of going on Wattpad to see the site littered with players falling for the virgin, jocks falling for the shy, people hating each other and then loving each other, student/teacher relationships, and vampire/ werewolf stories. Seriously, this NEEDS to stop. It's like having bread for dinner EVERY STINKING NIGHT.

Yeah, okay. I am guilty of liking some cliches and I read them once and a while because they make me go AWWWWW, but it's getting old.

2. Grammar and spelling. I don't know why, but I hate it when authors post their stories and they make no effort to use correct grammar and spelling. It's distracting and I usually just skip right over it if I see a lot of mistakes. u no w@t i me@n?????  . . . That was painful to right. Plus, it took me twice the amount of time to type that as I would normally. So, that makes me think that some people are trying to type that way, or they are very uneducated.

3. Mean people. This (I don't think) has ever happened to me, but some commenters are just plain RUDE. And most of the time, they don't even have anything constructive to say. they just say "THIS STORY SUCKS" and move on.

4. Comment/Vote Seekers. These authors annoy me when they threaten their fans with updates. GIVE ME COMMENTS, FOO'. OR ELSE I WON'T UPLOAD. . . . I hope you don't.

That's it. So I'm not THAT picky, but this gave me something to do in my writer's block.



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