Draconian Wicca

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Draconian lore and practice are rarely found in any of the published books on magick. (There are a few very notable exceptions, like D. J. Conway's 'Dancing with Dragons')

Draconian magick is, by definition, magick that is fueled by the symbolism and energies of Dragons.

While not actually defined as a Tradition of Wicca, Draconian Magick shares many of its defining elements. It has a code of honor just like a more Traditional Wicca Path, that is perhaps a little more strict than the Wiccan Rede however.  Draconian Magick has always been passed down from teacher to student, perhaps that is one reason there is so little  information available.

Dragon Magick is not for everyone. Those that choose to practice it must be self-disciplined individuals who are serious about changing things in their lives and the world around them. They must be willing to have beings be brutally honest with them and be willing to turn that same honesty upon yourself. Working with dragons is a hard path, but ultimately rewarding. The journey of rediscovering the true essence of Dragon Magick can be an uncomfortable experience for some people, being forced to examine aspects of their inner-selves that they would rather not acknowledge. But self knowledge and self integration are the true keys to magickal wisdom and power... Opening yourself to acceptance of your true self is a task that few of us have the courage to face, and yet it is an important step to undertake if true power is to be achieved in any magickal Tradition.

For most practitioners of magick, Dragons represent Wisdom and Balance.  But for those who are practitioners of Draconian Magick, Dragons are seen as Deities and held in the highest regards. No other Deities are held higher. While Dragons are revered in most Traditions of Paganism or Wicca, they are not thought of in the form of Deities.
When holding a Ritual which includes Dragons, or is a Dragon Ritual, it is important to understand that in Draconian beliefs, the Dragon is held in the All-High, or exalted position. Placing another Deity in a position higher than that of the Dragon is an insult to the Dragon...Draconian Magick is unequivocally a school of the Left-Hand Path.

That is to say it is a school which teaches the immortalisation and deification of the individual psyche, as opposed to the Right-Hand Path which seeks to submerge that psyche within a sense of universal oneness...I believe that many Wiccans and Pagans today tend to shy away from anything Dark, there are allot of Wiccans out there who claim to practice only 'white' magick, And, while most Wiccans/Pagans do not use the statement "I walk a Right-Hand Path" They do. But, to some at least, this creates an imbalance. There cannot be Light without Dark. There is a certain degree of Darkness within us all. You cannot be in Balance if you deny one side of your nature. Many Wiccans/Pagans automatically assume a Dark Witch performs magick that is wrong, negative, or even evil. This is simply not true.

The right-hand path concentrates on the symbols of goodness, of the Light of the Divine, the connection of self with the Divine, and the purification of self in order to reconnect with the Divine. Many right-hand followers believe that there is a Divine power that holds sway over the universe and through prayer and worship that Divinity will help to better their lives. The vast majority of religions are considered part of the right-hand path, from Christianity to Wicca.

Self-responsibility is also seen as of utmost importance when working with Dragons. You must be able to view your actions objectively...and accept the consequences of those actions, whether the outcome is positive or negative.

Dragons are warriors for light (lightworkers). They are a collective of souls who service the light. They can infuse their souls into bodies that are not dragon (human for example). In this way they can work for light and efficiently bring about changes. This is one thing that makes them invaluable in Healing Ceremonies. Some call any magickal practice with Dragons is to "Dance with Dragons", but they can be more then just a dance partner. As teachers of ancient knowledge their grasp of it is deep and profound. Their ability to help in divination is astonishing and quite accurate. As protectors during rituals and everyday life there are no equals. And if a Dragon chooses to take you under their wings you will have the opportunity of learning knowledge and evolving your magickal ability to a degree which few have known.

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