6 Years Later

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6 years later after Alexander's death and funeral... Annabelle married a scientist named Randy Brickwork and they had 3 children together of their own, they still have a family bond with Amethyst.

Amethyst is 18 years old now, she graduated high school, and is working at the library, along with 4 of her old friends from her childhood who are working at the library with her at the same time.

There was a library visitor came in the library and asked "Hello there, I'm here to get a library card. So, I can get books and promised to return 3 of them soon." Said the man. "Yes, sir." Said Amethyst.

Amethyst makes a library card for the man who came by at the library.

"Here you go." Said Amethyst. "Thanks, you are a very nice young lady." Said the man. "Thanks." Said Amethyst as the man goes off to look for books.

At 6:00PM... Amethyst and her friends leave the library after working, one of her friends Clarence Oaks turned the open sign into closed.

Amethyst says goodbye to her friends, she goes off to explore the lake.

As she goes to the lake alone, she began to skip stones while watching the purple sunset.

She started to sit down on the ground and began to watch the lake and the purple sunset.

"I miss you, dad. I promised that I will live on, I will remember you in my memories that I had with you. The lake is beautiful, the sunset is very nice and purple-lavender out here. We both had same purple eyes, my mom had beautiful green eyes. She misses you a lot, she still loves you with all of her heart. I feel like my purple tears were out leak out of my eyes in a minute." Said Amethyst, talking to herself about her late father Alexander.

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