Chapter 26

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A twitch. A small movement of bruised fingers. A lungful of sterile air, a flutter of lashes. Catalina woke up to the sound of machines chattering back and forth annoying the hell out of her. On top of that she had a blistering headache. She slowly sat up her hand pulling out of Stefanos and touching the bandage.
"My love" he breathed out in relief and she felt his warm lips on her cool skin. His fears slipping away with each peck that stained her skin. "I'm alright" she grinned softly reassuring him as much as possible without causing her pain. She squeezed his hand and gently hit the tip a glint in her eyes. Stefano didn't respond how he normally would. No dirty remark not even that damn smirk she loved to get before his body would be on top of hers. She knew her injuries couldn't be that serious so what was his problem? She thought a tension building between her brows creasing her forehead.
"Tell me..have they found any information on who snuck in the house?" She asked softly and pulled herself up to a complete sitting position the covers pooling around her waist. Stefano's eyes locked on her stomach staring at the flat skin before shaking his head.
"That's not important right now Catalina." He said staring into her nervous eyes. Stefano cleared his throat and fixed his hair that already was laid nearly only managing to ruffle it.
"Stef-" she tried to get him to spit it out but he beat her by a fraction of a second.
"You're pregnant" he blurted out his chest relaxing after a hard breath was pushed out past his lips he had been chewing on.
"Excuse me..pregnant? No that's not possible. I had my period a few..weeks ago" Catalina said, the more she spoke the less sure she was. She counted on he left fingers realizing she should have had her period. Her head turned down to stare at her stomach her hands touching her belly unsure of what she should do. She couldn't be that far along. No morning sickness no dizziness. No fatigue. Nothing to show her that there was even a possibility that something alive was forming inside of her.
"How do you feel honey?" He asked reaching over; his hand slipping under the covers and rubbing her thigh giving it a gently squeeze.
"Scared..for its life. I could have died..I could have easily had a miscarriage...and these people want me..what am I supposed to. How am I supposed to be a mom during all of this..this hell!" She shouted out tears brewing in her eyes. Catalina was hiding more than just the fear of being captured again. She was afraid of herself. The dark side that lingered just under the surface a predator waiting for its time to devour its prey.
Before Stefano could calm her down the doctor walked in and grinned softly. He was aged but still looked decent for his age. Grey hair was peppered in with the black locks. His eyes a deep blue. His name tag red Harrison and he had on glasses that were edged in a dark blue only accenting his features.
"Glad to see you're awake. Now I can tell by your face Stefano has spoken to you about the pregnancy. You do have your options" he suggested with a tinge of softness to his tone.
Stefano glared at Harrison growling out a No before Catalina even had any input. Even if she agreed it was her body that would go through everything. She shook her head in agreement.
"Okay then I have your prenatal vitamins you need to start taking along with acid reflex medication just in case. Usually comes with morning sickness" he says looking at the clipboard flipping through the white sheets.
"As for the car accident you should be fine to walk around. Just watch your head. If you feel dizzy or tired sit down and take a moment to steady yourself. No working out no training only rest for two months. Im going to see you next week so we can check on that baby to see it's growth and progress from now" he said before clearing his throat. "Any questions?"making sure he was clear on everything.
"No doctor thank you" Stefano said when Catalina failed to speak. Which was never a good thing when it came to women. Their thinking processes was much more complex and their minds could drift to many things all at once.
Before Catalina got lost in her dark mind she heard the doctor say congratulations before he left.
She grew mad at that her hands grabbing the sheets. This wasn't something to congratulate. She almost died at the hands of an unknown enemy, how could anyone think a child would be perfect right now? Ofcourse there was nothing but to accept it now and hope she made it to the twelve week mark before anything would be planned.
"Help me up. I need to speak with my father." Catalina said reaching out to a reluctant fiancé. Stefano knew she was determined to figure out who wanted her and if it that was what it took to ease her mind he would do it. She didn't need to stress right now. She needed to rest and to focus on her and the babies health.
Stefano grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him before lifting her into his arms his nose burying in her hair and smelling her his eyes shutting remembering the familiar smell of his lover. Something he hoped he never had to miss.
"No walking honey. " he said before she could argue and walked down the hall heading up the stairs to his father in laws office. Hopefully he had intel on the kidnappers boss. Catalina needed answers and nothing was good to stop her from making her home life safe again for her and her new family.

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