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Erika POV
I was in bed on my phone when jake came in and layer down next to me which was odd and asked what's wrong
Jake POV
I was with the OHIO boys just using my phone when I heard  the front door . I opened it and saw ALISSA!!!!!
Alissa POV
I decided to go to Jakes cause I wanted a second chance and promise never to cheat on him again
Jake POV
I told her to come inside and wait on the cough then I went to erika cause I don't trust her I mean am falling for erika and obviously Alissa is here for a second chance I go to erika and lay down next to her she said what's wrong I told her Alissa is here and I don't know what to do and just hang here for a sec.
Erika POV
I hear jake say Alissa is here and I thought to myself she wants a second chance but I like jake and jake said if she could take a nap cause he was getting dizzy I said of course I got up but I grabbed me and put me next to him I started to rub my hands through his hair and he slowly fell asleep . He fell asleep by having his arms around me in my chest and stomach and I started to get sleepy so I slept next to them .
Jake POV
When I woke up I saw erika next to me asleep I got up quietly and closed her door and saw Alissa waiting their and asked if I could have a second chance I said no cause she cheated on me very close my brother but I forgives logan not her I said sorry and to get out and she started running off crying.
Erika POV
I saw Jake opened the door and said for Alissa to get out I was happy cause u liked him a lot so I opened my door ran to him pulled him inside and kissed him when I pulled away I said sorry but instead her smashed his lips to mine the boy I loved is kissing me.......
Hey guys damn 368 words that's a lot and anyways leave a comment if you want more and tell me or I'll just write some ok BYEEEEEE

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