7- Ready

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    I stared at the metal wall of the room, my eyes vacant. They held no emotion. Just numbness.

    I had been raped. At the time, I couldn't even admit it to myself.

    'I wanted it'

    'I obviously somehow showed him it was okay'

    'Somewhere I bet I wanted it to happen...'

   'Oh my gosh, am I gay?'

    'I'm not gay...but maybe he thought I wanted it?'

    'Maybe he thought it would make me manly or something'

'Maybe it's my fault'

    Those were some of the thoughts running through my mind.

    Isaac hadn't shown up yet. The teacher let me off early because I was "in no shape to fight after this dick". That's what he had said. Then, he laughed and led me back to my room, crying. Once he'd closed the door, I stopped crying. I was alone. Who was going to listen to a poor male rape victim? I hadn't cried since he closed that door, just had a blank stare on my face.

    Obviously this was my fault, right? Something I had done caused this. If I had never gone to that stupid party, this would never have happened. If I had never begged Isaac he wouldn't be in this mess. I would've snuck out by myself and he wouldn't have to be here going through this torture. This torture is my fault.

     Isaac was shoved in the room by two big men, "Assholes" he muttered to himself as the door closed, "Hey, what's up with you?"

    I looked up at him with my vacant blue eyes, "Everything"

     "What do you mean?" He asked, worried looking, "Have you been crying?"

    "What do you mean, what do I mean? Look at where we are, Isaac! We're here training to KILL people!" I yelled, tears filling my eyes.

    Isaac scrunched his face up in worry, then sat on the bed where I was laying, "I know that. But you haven't been this way since the beginning. What happened?"

    I couldn't say it. I could barely wrap my mind around it. I couldn't get the words to form in my mouth. I couldn't get my lips to move around those words, "I was just punished a lot today." I sighed.


    "I uh, I got punched a lot." I whispered, it wasn't a complete lie, "See?" I said, pulling up my white shirt to reveal bruises on my stomach.

    "Holy shit, Tay. This isn't good. Let me see if there are any broken ribs" He said, starting to poke at my bruised flesh. I winced.

"Ouch stop. I think I'd know if it was broken" I mumbled. I just wasn't in the mood to feel touched. I felt dirty.


"You're getting better, scrawny." The combat teacher, who I had named 'Rape', said proudly as if I was his son or something. I shuddered at the thought.

This man had been in my nightmares for the past week and a half since it had happened. This man haunted me weather or not I was asleep or awake. My day dreams and night ones, were tainted by his image.

"Thanks" I muttered, looking down at the floor. My stomach had gotten even skinnier then when I had arrived here and it was covered in beads of sweat.

"I think you and your brother are ready." He smiled.

I looked up at him and gulped, afraid to speak out of line, "R-Ready? Ready for what?"

He smirked, "Your mission"
Sorry for such a short chapter aaah! I'll try to start making them a little longer. Thanks for reading!!❤️

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