Chapter 8

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The minutes and hours flew by as the boys spoken about anything and everything. Catching up on what they had missed the last few days. It was like nothing had happened between them, this made Remus relax knowing that he and Sirius were normal again.

Sirius had wanted to apologise to Remus as soon as he walked in the room but now didn't want to ruin the moment by bringing it up. 

Half an hour before class would end Sirius finally plucked up the courage and said "I'm sorry for how I've acted toward you the last few days. It was wrong of me and should never have done things I did to my best friend" Sirius signed and looked away.

Remus took hold of Sirius's face and turned it so they were looking at each other.

"It's okay I forgive you" a small smile pulled at Sirius' lips. Without warning, Remus lent up and pressed his lips to Sirius's. It was short and sweet but all Sirius could have of wanted. They stayed together with foreheads touching, looking into each other's eyes until the hospital wing doors swung open reveal James and Peter.

"Sirius I think we need to talk" James still had the look of anger in his eyes, but he was trying hard now to cover it up.

They both stepped outside and quietly shut the door behind them. For a few moments, all they did was look at each other. Not saying anything. Sirius made the first move and began to apologise, retelling the speech he told Remus earlier. James listened all the way through, occasionally nodding. Once Sirius had finished he took a deep breath and look back James. The look in his eyes had now changed from anger to sorrow.

"I'm sorry mate I shouldn't have got so angry at you, I know you would never do anything to intentionally hurt Moony"

Sirius was glad to know that he had his two best friends back. They embraced for a brief moment and then went back inside the hospital wing. They found Peter and Remus sitting eating chocolate and sweets together. What a surprise. James and Sirius shared a look and went over to join the other boys.


Remus was released from hospital wing the next morning. Everything had seemingly gone back to normal, but unfortunately, that wasn't 100% true. You see there is a small case of Mary to deal with. Since the make-out session the morning after the full moon she hadn't left Sirius alone. He had told her multiple times that he no longer wanted to be with her but she still couldn't seem to get the message. The other three marauders seem to think that she was so desperate for a boyfriend she would take anyone and unfortunately she had her eyes set on Sirius.

"But I don't want to go" Sirius wined flopping down onto his bed.

"You can't skip class forever. Come on" Remus took hold of his hand and tried to pull him up. It didn't work and he ended up falling on top of Sirius. They were about to kiss when James walked through the door.

"Gosh guys a room," he said before covering his eyes and leaving.

Sirius rolled his eyes and finally stood up. He was trying to avoid class as much as possible as he knew Mary would be there. He had had enough of her staring at him, and wished he know way to make it stop.

"Can't you talk to her for me?" Sirius asked, doing his best puppy eyes. Which isn't really that hard unsurprisingly.

"You know the eyes don't work on me. I've seen Padfoot enough time." Remus replied laughing.

"Please" Sirius continued.

"Look it would be better for you to do it. Now come on we're going to be late" Remus stood and planted a kiss on Sirius' head.


All through charms class Sirius had been devising a plan to get Mary off his back. As class finished he pulled her to one side, and began talking.

"Mary look I'm sorry for leading you on or whatever but I no longer have feelings for you, and you appreciate it if you would leave me alone from now on"

"I know your lying Sirius and you secretly want me," she said biting down on her lip.

"I'm in love with someone else"

"Yeah who?"


A look of shock spread across her face and her mouth hung open.

"Don't ever speak to me again Black." With that's she turned and walked away.

"Gladly" he shouted behind her. She was finally gone and out of Sirius life. He couldn't contain a smile as he walked back to the dorm.

He shared the news and told the story to his other friends as they sat and listened closely.

Finally, Remus had Sirius all to himself.

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