1 : One

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I loved the way you dressed like an intellectual from another time. I loved your attitude, the way you walked, the way you moved... 
I could never look at you in the eyes for more than 3 seconds. I could never sustain that gaze. 

That night, when we were all cuddled up in an embrace, you told me you thought that was cute. You told me, that I was the cutest when I went throught that door with my eyes puffy from the lack of sleep, and no makeup from the lack of time. You laughed, when I told you so candidly that I used to look for your coat on top of the chair you always sat in, always put it on. That camel coat of yours. You laughed even harder when I told you equally as candidly that I used to watch you read. You were always reading. You were the only librarian that was always reading. 

I pushed myself away to watch you laugh.
You always tilt your head backwords when you laugh, so your nicely combed back hair won't fall on your face.
Sometimes, your eyes were shining so bright that I could see it even when they got really small from your large smile. It was the case that night. They reflected the subdued light of your living room.
Sometimes when you laughed, you would run your hand accross your face and your beard. But not that time. Not that night. 

I ordered you to stop making fun of me. You looked at me, and told me I was beautiful while caressing my left cheek. I turned my face towards your hand and gently planted a kiss in the palm of it. 

You asked me if I was ready to watch the rest of my favourite show, that also became yours after I made you watch it. I said yes. And quickly  laid my head back on your chest, put my arms around you, before you pressed the play button. You caressed my back everytime you felt me getting scared and the embrace getting tighter. 

"- Wait ! Remember that time I was staring at the ends of my hair, just smiling like a crazy person, and you just happened to walk by at that precise moment ? 
  - Not at all... Can we finish the show ? 
  - I was so embarassed ! So you don't remember ? 
  - No, my love. I don't... You do realize, it's a part of the weird awkward things you do that make me love you so much harder ?"

How could I reply to that ? Since the words wouldn't come out of my lips. My lips just happened to meet yours in the sweetest, softest embrace. After a while I stopped. My lips so close to yours, they rubbed against each other when I said : 

" - The show ? 
   - There is nothing better than this, please don't make it stop. 
   - You're so cheasy, I said in a smile. 
   - And you love it baby
   - Do I ?  "

Our two smiles started embrassing each other again

Extract of a song : ABRA - Fruit 
" Tell me what you did last night 
Did you close your eyes and think about me, like I think about you ?"
(Cause that's exactly what I did baby)

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