The Awkward Moment

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Standing there Jay was kinda watching Angel as she reads. "Can I help you Jay?" she asked.
"Oh I um was w-wondering how you met Elizabeth?" She closed her book and looked at Jay. "I met Emily one day I was stumbling around coming out of an alleyway some men had just tried to rape me but they took one look at me and my one arm and just beat me up. She asked who had did this to me and I pointed to the men down the alleyway. She then proceeded to call the cops on them and have them arrested. And that is how we met." Jay sat down beside Angel on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her and she blushed. "That's terrible how they could do such a horrible thing to such a beautiful thing like you," he nuzzled her cheek. She blushed crimson at his reply and his nuzzling she had pet his ears as he started to purr. "It may be terrible but what happened to you is just downright inhuman." He started to tear up as she stroked his hair. "He was my master but it felt wrong that's why I didn't want to do it but then he just..." he cried softly. She hushed him rubbing his back. He started to sniffle then yawn from the crying and not getting enough rest. She rocked them with her arm wrapped him side to side gently as she kissed his head softly. He slowly fell asleep and she laid herself down with him.
~Le Time Skip~
Elizabeth arrived home to find Angel and Jay asleep on the couch. She smiled and kissed their foreheads covering them up. She went into her room and stripped running the shower. She stood in front of the mirror looking at her figure. She looked down to her bikini area and sighed. "Why must you keep me from love?" she whispered to the thing between her legs. She got into the shower and soaked underneath the water. She thought about Jay and what he would do once he was fully recovered. She didn't mind if he stayed there as long as he like. She had taken in Angel when she was 14. She was now 20. Elizabeth was 38  since last Friday. She thought Jay was around 19-20. She'd talk to him about everything and what he was gonna do. She got out after washing up and dried off. She got dressed and went to find the two of them waking up. Jay sat up rubbing his face as he had seen he'd slept with Angel he blushed. She smiled and pinched his cheeks,"So cute!" Elizabeth laughed softly and they both blushed. "Jay I was wondering if I could talk to you in my room?" He got up," Sure lead the way." He followed her to the room and she sat on the bed and patted a spot next to her and he sat down. "So I was wondering how old you were?" '20,' he replied. "Ah ok cool, so I don't know if you have a place to go after this but if you don't your more than welcome to stay here," she smiled. He hugged her tightly his chest pressed against her breasts. She blushed darkly,"Thank you so much Elizabeth." 'Your welcome Jay,' she said as she pet his ears and he purred. She smiled and they finished talking about everything. They went back into the living room. Elizabeth said she was gonna cook but Jay insisted he cook for both of them. She nodded and let him. He then proceeded to cook pepper steak with white rice and a ginger sauce. He put it on plates and handed them to the ladies. They looked at it and thanked him then they took a bite savoring the sweet and tangy ginger sauce. It was amazing to them. "This is so incredible Jay!" they both said. "Thank you so much," he smiled blushing a little. They finished eating it and Jay then washed the dishes putting the food away. They sat in the living room watching TV talking about everything that happened in their life and how it lead them down the road in their life's. Eventually they all got ready for bed and fell asleep not before Elizabeth kissed their foreheads and said goodnight. They then went to sleep.

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