Movie Here We Come!

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I hastily dried myself as I searched through my pile of clothes for my jacket and jeans.

"Geez sis, you really need to clean your room! It looks like a jungle in here!"

I turned to glare at my 20 year old brother and signed angrily "As if you haven't seen yours. Its like a dumpster!" Feeling insulted, he scowled and with whatever dignity he has left (I think I made a huge gaping hole in his pride and ego) he left my room leaving me victorious and smug.

"Oi! You kids better be downstairs right now or we'll never get to see the movie!" I heard dad screamed and as if the plagues were after him, Justin literally carried me downstairs like a sack of potatoes.

"Unhand me you brute!" I angrily signed back and tried to punch him but I was bouncing on his shoulders.

"Best thing about you being mute is that you can't argue back verbally" Justin joked while I pouted and allowed myself to be carried by him...again.

"Justin Ronan, stop carrying your sister like a caveman!" Ah, my mother savior is here.

"Don't worry honey, he's just excited as I am for the movie" My father, Richard said. My mother, Raye merely huffed and mumbled something about men loving war and killings and other stuff.

Justin shrugged me off and I landed heavily on my butt. I growled and stomped my way to the car.

Here I am, just arrived from school and sleepy as Hell and I am forced to go with my parents and brother in seeing a movie that could still be seen tomorrow!

"Don't give us that grumpy look my little chimp, you'll love the movie when you see it" my dad said as he started the car.

And I forgot to add a little information, ever since the Rise of the Planet of the Apes was launched, dad has been calling me his little chimp which is both embarrassing and ridiculous.

Mom turned to smile at me "thanks for joining us Kira, it means to those two rascals" she whispered and I smiled. This is why I love mothers, they learn to understand their kids even in the most ridiculous episodes of their time.


I was pissed and having a short fuse!


Because we had to watch the 9:00 movie and that was already pass my bedtime!

We were eating food at Chowking and my dad and brother were talking nonstop about what was about to happen.

"Do you think that Nova girl will be one of the apes?"

"Of course she will be. Only a girl with a heart as her should be accepted as an ape?"

I closed my eyes to take a nap. I wasn't hungry, my sleepiness was evading my mind.

I walked along the green covered path with an air of peace and serenity, the air was humid and the atmosphere was peaceful and silent with only the sounds of birds and crickets chirping.


I jumped and the atmosphere grew tense and still. I was suddenly surrounded by dead bodies of both apes and human kind.

I felt sick to the stomach. I wanted to run but my feet were firmly planted on the ground.

A bloody hand came up and an ape slowly looked its soulless eyes to me

"What would you save us from this fate?"

"Wake Up Kira!" I jumped back and ended up falling on my butt again. I looked wildly around and noticed too many people staring at me. I blushed and looked down.

"You okay little chimp? You were looking kinda pale" I nodded slowly and stood up. Mom checked the time "8:40, time to get going or we'll miss the movie"


I leaned against the counter as mom, dad and Justin bought snack even after they just ate dinner.

I watched the poster of the War of the Planet of the Apes. Caesar, the name of the ape leader, stated at me with so much seriousness that it made me wonder why I wasn't cringing at the sight.

"Watching that movie?" A rough voice asked. I jumped and turned to see a man leaning on the wall looking a lot like those men who tries to stay casual as possible and secretly doing something mysterious.

"Yeah..." I said casually though I felt his eyes on me even though he was staring at the floor.

"Better watch that with an open mind. That's centered mostly around on family and judging on how you act to them..." I shuffled my feet. This guy was getting too personal.

"Yo sis, you gonna stay there acting all mysterious or are you gonna come here and watch the movie already?!" Justin's impatient voice made me jump in surprise. I turned to look at him and the second I turned back to look at the man, he was gone.


I shrugged it off and followed my enthusiastic family to the doors.

Movie here we come.

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