The Survival

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Beep Beep of course the alarm goes off I turn it off and check the time 7:00am good dad should be leaving to work soon. as I get dressed the door opens and dad walks in crap he should be off to work. "I'm not going to miss my son leave on a holiday will I" as he tosses the rolling pin up. in a blink of an eye the object comes flying down on my face CRACK! I drop to the floor blood oozing "what was that for!" "Well I can't hit you when your away" he says with an evil grinning and pulls out a pocket knife and lunges at me I quickly dodge it and smack him in the face and turn to face him. I'm so glad mum made me do karate but now she has passed she can't save me. dad has another shot at me but I duck and punch him in the gut winding him. I grab my stuff and Sprint. when the stuff is in my car I speed off before he can get me. I reach the airport and wait for my plane MH370 to Beijing this will be an awesome trip without dad. I'm cut out of my day dream when my plane is called "flight MH370 now boarding" the speaker says as I walk to my destination I see this beautiful girl walk towards the same plane I catch up to her and see she is familiar. "hi do I know you from somewhere?" I ask "James is that you, it's Jenny from primary school" "I thought I knew you from somewhere" of course it's my first crush and my first best friend Jenny wow she is still as stunning as ever "where you off to?" I'm cut off from the old memories " Beijing you?" "well to be honest so am i" " What a coincidence haha" " Haha is your dad still abusing you james?" I look down shyly but not just that scared "ohh sorry to ask" she says "no it's ok it's just gotten worse" "did he hit you this morning because your face is a wreck!" "Yeah, but I fought back he used his famous rolling pin hahahahahahah" "It's good your finally laughing about it" She punches me lightly I wince "sorry I didn't mean it" "all good we should probably board the plane now haha" as we board we catch up on the few years but the unexpected happen the planes suddenly powers out and we start to descend.....

haha cliffhanger

as we fall all I think about is Jenny will she be okay I look around and see her laying on the floor. I rush over to her and see she hit her head. as I pick her up I place her in her seat but as I move away something falls towards Jenny so I do what I do best and get hurt. I leap towards her and block the object but it hits me in the head pretty hard and before I blackout I see Jenny awake and screaming for me... I wake up to find me laying on the floor in water. crap where's Jenny I search the plane and spot her I pick her up and go to the exit I walk past dead bodies how long have I been out cold for I try to open the exit but it won't budge so I run straight at it and it budges after about five minutes it finally opens. I climb to the top of the plane and see we are desserted in water but when I concentrate I can sort of see land. as I climb back down I see Jenny awake "morning Jenny" I said sarcastically. "hey James where are we" "uhhhhhhhhhh we are stranded near an island but I take you there." "okay" I walk off to examine the cockpit as I walk in I see a combat knife sitting there and take it. I find Jenny looking at a poor boy looks like his 6. "Jenny we are going to have yo leave soon" "o-o-k-k-ay" she says through sobs I pick her up and carry her out and cut some material to make as a sort of boat. I make a paddle then sit Jenny on the raft and paddle towards the island. as I paddle I see the one thing I don't what to see a giant shark swimming towards us. "Jenny don't look that why" I point towards the shark "why?" as she says that she turns around and sees it and screams I paddle faster but of course it catches up to us so I grab the knife and as it reaches under our raft I stab it through the head. "james I'm really scared will there be stuff like that on the island" "if I knew I would tell you but I don't we will just have to prepare for what happens.

hope you enjoyed

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