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Heyy cuties
This is my first to write a story, and I am so exited about it.I have no idea what I am doing,so you will just have to bare with me. 😀
English is not my native language, excuse any mistakes that you will find,and feel free to correct me.🍉💜💜
It was the worst night in my life it was dark outside and the rain kept going so hard, was that a dream?
It felt like a nightmare ,but it felt so real, I need to wake up right now.

I kept asking myself how did I even end up in this horrible situation.
I kept crying my whimpers and sniffles are the only sound I could hear.

Crying, for me, had always been a way to release all the pent-up emotions that raged through my body,but for other people it was a sign of weakness.
I didn't want to be weak,but i didn't take a genius to tell that I wasn't necessarily strong either.

I felt strayed,unworthy and scared my once bouncy soft dark brown curly hair is now black, knotty and soaked with water,puffy red eyes and swollen lips from biting them, torn clothes, my petite body is curled shaking from cold. I felt vulnerable.

I was living in orphanage, but they kicked me out before I even turn 18,because they thought I'm useless.
The thing that I always kept to myself,I didn't like talking to the other children there,they seemed dangerous in a way.

I was home schooled, miss samantha was the only person who talked to me and treated me as her own daughter.
She owned a bakery next to the orphanage.

It may seem that I'm extravagant about the situation.,but the truth was that I have never got in a situation like that or even took the responsibility of anybody, I could barely take care of myself, and also the reason for my hard crying is because I have anxiety attacks, I really hate them.

While I was crying I heard someone's footsteps, but whenI looked back I didn't see anything or anybody, that was even worser, I hate darkness,darkness brings memories, memories are bad.

They remind me of my parents, and how they treated me,I was 4 years when this anxiety attacks ever started.
Again I heard the sound of footsteps, but it was closer this time, i felt like running, and I did that right away, I ran so fast, I didn't even know that I could run this fast, and for sure luck wasn't on my side. I tripped over a rock,I felt like crying even more, I think I hurt my knee.

I crawled into a dark alley and tried to keep calm and after a few seconds I saw a shadow of two persons passing by I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Then I closed my eyes for a few minutes to calm myself.

"Hey little one",someone said behind me, I turned around and saw a man who seemed much older than me his features seemed soo hard with a small grown beard his eyes seemed to light in the dark with a lot of wavy hair on his head, he had dark green shirt under his black jacket and trousers.
He took a step forward, but with each step he took forward I took two back until I hit the wall behind me and I was trapped in a corner with no way to escape , I looked at him through my lashes. "What are you doing here in this time little one?" He asked.

I didn't respond, afraid from him, I began to take fast short breaths, then he tried to touch me, I shrieked back even farther into the wall and closed my eyes,it was so hard to breathe now and black dots began to block my sight, the last thing that I remember was that I was held against his chest like I was a toddler,and then I lost consicuense.

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