<Chapter III>

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Junior Paramilitary Division bus on transit,6:30 pm

As the most popular and exciting event, the final of the National Youth Wrestling Championships was always held at the end of the tournament. The winner received his medal first, then the ropes were taken off and the ring served as the podium for the rest of the contestants to receive their. Within an hour of getting his pin fall victory, he was in the bus heading home. It was shared between three campuses that made up the Ol'Kalou division. There was Tumaini Campus where Victor schooled, Ol Kalou Campus where Lucia attended, and Ol Joro Orok Campus.

After innumerable hugs and pats in the back for his 'great, inspirational performance' he finally managed to get some unoccupied window seats. It was a great relief to his limbs to spread himself on the three seats and rest.

Victor gazed outside the speeding bus and felt an ecstatic bout of euphoria. After many months of unfortunate events, he had finally gotten a break. One dream of his had come true! He fingered the gold medal he had received in the awards ceremony just two hours before and smiled. It felt great around his neck, just heavy enough to constantly remind him that he was a champion. The three-tiered trophy that came along with the medal was stashed away on the luggage rack.

"Champion... National Youth Wrestling Champion..." He liked the sound of that title. Even though it was not as prestigious as the Heavyweight Championship, it was a good start. It was worthy of the hammering he had received to win it, even if his chest was still sore from the helluva clothesline that had knocked him halfway to hell and back.

"Hello, Mr. Champion? Mind letting a lady to share those seats with you?" Lucia plopped herself at the tip of the seat not taken by Victor's feet. He had not seen her or Cise since before the match. Cise especially had some explaining to do. Victor totally blamed him for that brutal clothesline.

"How are the limbs holding up?" She teased, reaching out and massaging his ribs and chest.

"I'll live." He replied, wincing dramatically.

The mirth went out of her eyes and she slumped back on the seat. Victor was hoping for a more entertaining response, he reached for her hand.

"I was so terrified watching you get walloped like that..." She said quietly. When Victor burst out laughing, she snatched her hand back and glowered at him.

"Sorry, walloped sounds like I got seriously thrashed." Victor responded, still smiling.

"And it's a funny word. Walloped. Walloped. Gallop. Wall. Lollop... wait, what was the word again?" A reluctant smile curved the side of Lucia's mouth. She fell forward and hugged his midriff.

"How can that be termed as entertainment? It's dangerous, barbaric, and depressing to watch!"

"Really? The way I remember it, wrestling is your favorite game in the world- after that bow and arrow thingy you do- and you had mad fun watching other games with me. I think you just didn't like watching me get... what was the word again? ... walloped." Victor said on a self-assured grin.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself mister..." Lucia replied, not meeting his eyes.

She has totally fallen for me. Victor thought. He very much liked that idea.

Moments later, Cise's shadow loomed over them as he stopped at the isle, looking tired and harassed. Victor wanted to give him hell for being late to his match, distracting him, and earning him the 'wallop' from Lesania. He decided to settle that score later, Cise appeared to have something urgent to say.

"They activated us for tomorrow." He said as soon as Victor had followed him to the back of the bus.

Victor stared at him for a long time. Having originated the idea of mass action with Cise, he decried the increasing complexity of the exercise. There were too many players involved now. Victor felt he was no longer in control.

Not that he ever was in control, matter of fact, the plot had been a quest to gain a semblance of control over his life. Originally, making plans and decisions on how the strike would be conducted had been the prerogative of Victor. Cise appeared content to lend his support in whatever way he could.

Over the months, however, Cise had usurped control and gently kicked Victor to the sidelines. Every new outing of their championships team had brought on board several new campuses. Before Victor could tell what was going on, a whatsapp group was discussing strategy, logistics, and talking points in the anticipated presidential meet. The turn of events kept him on edge, fearing ending his career before it started rather than rescuing it.

"What do you mean active for tomorrow? I am barely in a condition fit for this kind of thing, you know that!" Victor whispered urgently, feeling his muscles seize at the very idea of getting up early the next morning for a day of endless physical exertion. He felt he needed to sleep for a day or two.

"There are other aspects to consider too, the games were great for the whole committee to talk face to face. This moment, after these games, with all this psyche...come on men, it's perfect!" Cise was evidently animated.

Victor regarded him and detected an eagerness to ensure his participation in Cise's plan- understandable as he was rather influential in their campus. There was also a dogged look in his eyes that seemed to indicate that the plan would go ahead, with or without his cooperation. He tried a personal angle.

"You can't seriously expect me in action after that bout back there mate, seriously."

"Am sorry bro, you've just got to take one for the team." Cise patted him on the back and walked back down the aisle towards the front of the vehicle.

Victor walked back to his seat and slumped across the threeempty seats- apparently Lucia had left for another section of the bus already.He needed to catch some sleep. His body needed all the rest he could afford itbefore kick-off at 3 am the next morning.

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