More Than Three Words

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This is a special chapter of Under The Moonlight. So yeah, if you haven't, it'll be better to read that one first or at least have an idea, but I don't require you to read that first before this, it's okay not to. Thank you so much. Enjoy reading. Much love. x


More Than Three Words written by iammissred.

"I am okay," I assured Lara for the million-nth time today.

"You aren't. How will you be okay?! You haven't talked to your boyfriend for 2 weeks now, you don't even have any bloody idea how he is, you're not eating, you're not going out, all you do is cry, and you're telling me you are okay?!" she said.

"My boyfriend is the Niall Horan. He might be just busy," I tried to defend him.

"Too busy to have no time for his girlfriend," she said, arguing with me.

"Maybe? He's on tour, remember?" I told her.

"Yeah. And you're locked up on your room for the past week, crying," she replied.

She's right. Everyday, for the past week, she'll come over, trying to get me to eat something, but I just don't feel like eating. And just a few minutes ago, she saw me crying. Yeah yeah, I'm caught in the act, and still lying, telling her I was okay.

Niall Horan's my boyfriend, yeah, the Niall James Horan of One Direction. He left two months ago for tour. The first month went through well. He'll call or text me everyday. If he has time, we'll do Skype, sometimes with the boys and with Lara. He'll update me on what's happening, and so on. Everything's pretty okay, but just two weeks ago, he stopped calling me nor texting me. At first I was thinking that he maybe was just busy, but a week is just so long for him not to have even a minute for me. I tried calling him, almost every five minutes, but I gave up because the days just always end up with disappointment.  

Could you blame me? He's my life...    

"You're not okay," Lara said as she pulled me into a hug.  

I buried my face on her shoulder, and let the tears fall.  

"He totally forgot about me," I told her as she let go of the hug.

"Ssshhh, everything will be okay. Tell me everything that happened," she said.    

I nodded as response.  

"What's his last message?" she asked.  

I grabbed my IPhone, and showed her his last text message which says, "I gotta go now. I love you. x". She nodded upon reading it.  

"Everything's fine then. There's nothing wrong. Not until the next day when he started not to call or text me," I said.

"Have you tried on Twitter since then?" she asked.

"I did, but none of the boys goes online," I replied.

"When did you last check?" she said.

"Uhm, Tuesday. Exactly last week,"  I answered.  

She grabbed the IPhone from my hands, and quickly clicked the Twitter App. I watched as she typed in Niall's name and went to his profile. I was shocked by what I saw.  

"He... tweeted yesterday," I said, tears started dripping from my eyes.

"He has time to tweet the fans, and doesn't have time for his own girlfriend. How could he?!"

She scrolled down, scanning Niall's previous tweets.

"Wait, look at this," she said while pointing to Niall's tweet three days ago.

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