Hope you find it now

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Recently I came across a post on my facebook wall. It was about 30 questions that must be answered only with songs and a reason to explain the given answers. But I found the concept of writing 30 different stories all based on my answers more intriguing. Hence, I present to you,

My thirty days.

Off late I have tried to write many stories but I never really found the inspiration to continue writing after the initial chapters. So hopefully this time around I will stick around long enough to complete them.

Day 1- Your favorite song

Hope you found it now

He began wondering when he looked at her vulnerable face while she slept. The hard exterior which she projected was all just a façade after all. The way she broke down today in his arms after hearing him propose just made him all the more curious. He had known her for three years now. Within the first fifteen minutes of talking to her, he just knew she was The One.

He replayed the past hour in his head.

***********1 hour ago**************

"Babe, come into the living room", he yelled in the direction of their room.

"Gimme 15 minutes. I finally figured out Math, you know how rare that is? I'll do this assignment and then I'm free to do whatever you want to", she replied, sounding very excited.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I should've listened to my friends and dated a less nerdy girl, huh?" he teased playfully.

This got him a reaction. She came storming into the room. Her hair piled into a messy bun. Her pajamas were crinkled and creased. The look on her face though, was one of mock outrage. He raised his arms in surrender and grinned sheepishly. She took one look at him and began laughing. She hugged him and then proceeded to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and they both grinned in content.

"What do you think?" , he asked nervously.

"Think about what?", she asked, her eyes glowing with confusion.

"Didn't you look around at the room?", he queried, amused now.

She looked around at the room. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped. The twinkling lights and the candles he arranged around the room, practically covering every flat surface. He felt her breath hitch, when she looked at the flowers on the floor, spelling out his question.


She looked at him and slowly he saw her distancing herself. She got off his lap and ran towards the door. His athletic reflexes kicked in quickly and he stopped her. Her grabbed her by the elbow, and turned her around to look at the tears streaming down her face. The silent sobs quaking her shoulders. He held on to her and wiped the tears off. He then carried her shuddering form over to their bed and laid her down. She kept crying inconsolably, nothing he did was enough to stop her. He finally decided to give up on trying to stop the flood of tears and just stay there for her.

Finally her sobs subsided and her breaths became slow and even indicating that she was asleep.


He had expected tears, to be honest. But the ones he pictured were the happy tears streaming down her face. Not the gut wrenching sobs he had just heard. It hurt him physically, mentally and emotionally to see her pain and anguish and not being able to help her. Over the three years they were together they never spoke about her past much.

The mere topic used to cause her to zone out on him, with a faraway look in her eyes. He finally learned never to ask about her family nor mention them in passing conversation. He replayed the past three years in his head.

Everytime there had been talk of commitment she used to run away or avoid the topic.

It happened after their memorable first date, when he asked to see her again.

It happened after the first time he gave her the keys to his house.

It happened after he asked her to meet his parents.

It happened after he told her he loved her.

It happened after he asked her to move in with him.

It happened now, when he asked her to marry him.

What happened to his angel? What was so disturbing about wanting to spend their life with someone?

What was that got broken inside of you?

That sent you off searching down empty avenues.

What was it inside you that love never satisfies?

That thin thread that held you, how did it come untied?

He kept asking himself these questions and he repeated to himself,

I hope you'll find it soon, whatever you are looking for.

I hope you find it next to me.

With these words he fell asleep, next to the woman whom he believes is the love of his life.

Author's note: The song on the side is Hope you found it now, by jason walker.

this song and especially jason's voice give me goosebumps.

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