Who are you

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~ johnnys Pov ~
Me and Annie walked like 1,000 miles to get to this hill from our hotel and we couldn't find anyone.I get a text from Hayden.

💔er😂-Don't hate me
💔er😂-We are going on a double date cause the girls didn't want to walk
JaunO😂-What the hell we walked all the way here
💔er😂-Sorry you guys can still hike
JaunO😂Whatever 😡🙄🙄🙄🙄

A-Why are you so mad
J-They fricking cancelled on us
J-Do you want to still hike

~ Hayden's Pov ~
I think it worked.I always knew Annie liked Johnny.She was like my sister and I can tell when she likes someone.
H-I think it worked
All except h- Yay
K-Lets order I'm need my starbucks
B-Ok lets go
We all ordered our drinks.Then I get a text from a blocked number

**********-Is this a friend of Annie or Johnny
Hayden-Um who is this
Hayden-Umm yes

I turned off my phone
L-What's wrong babe
H-I dot a text from a random number asking if we were Annie or Johnny's friend
K-That's weird
B-Umm ya

~ Annie's Pov ~
Me and johnny started to hike up the hill when I blacked out.I woke up and me and johnny were tied up and a person with a black mask was on his phone texting people.Me and Johnnys mouths were shut with duct tape and I tried to mumble who are you but it came out as poo our shoes.The person just laughed.I recognized the laugh but I couldn't figure out who the person was.I looked over to johnny. He looked so cute even though he had tape over his mouth he still looked cute.

~ Brandon's Pov ~
What everyone didn't know was that I got a text from a blocked number.

**********-Hello Brandon
Brandon-who are you
**********-Your worst nightmare

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