"Pilot" - 01x01

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A man in his 40's sits on a bench outside of the department of justice, staring, as if he was waiting for something or someone. An older man walks towards the bench and places a briefcase next the man in a fedora. "Must be good to be home again, sir." the older man said. The man in the fedora nodded, not looking at the older man next to him. "Yeah," he nodded. "Well, we'll see about that". The man laughs softly and takes the briefcase, heading inside the office.

Walking inside, he walks straight to the booth, where a young woman is working at. "Good afternoon," he says, as he looks down. "I'm here to see Assistant Director Harold Cooper." The young woman stares at him, confused. "Do you have an appointment?" The man shakes his head. "I do not," He gave her a card. "Tell him its Raymond Reddington" Red turns, putting down his briefcase, taking off his coat and hat. As the alarm rings, he kneels down with both hands behind his back, smiling smugly. All the FBI agents surround him, doors locking out the people who were about to enter. On the right wall, there on the board, was an old picture of raymond reddington, as top ten most wanted fugitive.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F.B.I. Special OPS Divison, Washington D.C.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Two black Cadillac Escalade ESV drove up, and as soon as they came to a stop, a man and a woman get out of the first one. A blonde man walks up to the man first. "Ressler, Washington Field Office," He says "I'm the case agent on Reddington." They shake hands and they both walk to the doors of the department. "When did this happen?" the man asked. "Under an hour ago." Ressler said. "We confirm its actually him?" "Its him alright. Print matches. Tattoos." Kessler confirmed, approaching the elevator. "He even volunteered classified details about a Brussels mission in '08" The man next to him looked at Ressler confused. "What happened in Brussels?" "Sir?," Ressler looked at him. "We tried to kill him, Sir."

"It really is him." The man, now known as Harold Cooper, stares up to the screen where it shows raymond reddingtion sitting in a box, tied up. "Came in with a briefcase containing every alias he's ever used." Ressler gave him the files on Raymond. "Most of 'em we never even heard of." Harold reads the files. "What does he want?" He asked. "Don't know. Won't talk." Ressler said. "He's a stone." They both continued to look at the screen. "Call lab services, Have them fit him with an AlphaChip RFID tag." Harold said. "Assemble a full intel review. NSA. CIA." "What do you want to know?" "Everything."

As every agent moves around, collecting and reading files, and such, an agent stands in the back, staring at the screen showing raymond. The agent shakes their head, biting their bottom lip from smiling. They proceed to go to the room that he's being held in a box in. Ressler talked to the other agents and Harold cooper about Raymond's history. "They call him something in the papers." Ressler said. "The concierge of crime." the mysterious agent said. Ressler turned around to see a female agent in her early 30's, with short wavy brown hair, in a leather jacket with a white tank top underneath, tight black pants and short high heeled boots. 

Harold Cooper looked up from his paper works to see the female agent as well standing in front of the screen, her back to him. "What is your name agent?" He asked, curious. "Thats Agent Carter, Alex Carter. She's been working in this agency longer than I have." Ressler said. Carter turns around and shakes Harold's hand, smiling. "Its nice to meet you sir." She greets him. "Same to you Agent Carter." They let go and they both looked up to the screen again, hearing raymond talking about Zamani, who apparently was dead for six years but not.

"I only speak with Elizabeth Keen or Alex Carter." Red said. Both men look at the agent next to them, but a question popped up in Ressler's head. "Who the hell is Elizabeth Keen?"

Agent Carter stands in front of the box where Red was held. He has his head tilted to his left, smiling at her and her smiling back at him. "Good evening Agent Carter" Red said. Saying the word agent as if he's in on a secret. She shook her head at him. "I'm not surprised that you, the concierge of crime, has yet again got himself captured." She shook her head once again, tsking. All while smiling at him. Raymond shrugs and looks behind her. Carter turns around to see Elizabeth Keen walking towards them with a guard behind her. 

"You must be Agent Keen," Carter greets her, walking towards her as Elizabeth steps down the last step on the stairs. "I'm Agent Carter, I'll be with you with asking questions to Raymond Reddington." The girls shake hands and walk to the two chairs that are in front of red. The box around Red opens and moves back, leaving him out in the open. The two girls sit on the metal chairs, agent carter relaxing on it with her legs crossed. While agent keen stays tense, sitting up with her hands on her lap. 

"Agent keen, agent carter, what a pleasure."


Author's note:

I have no excuse to why I haven't been able to upload any chapters of my stories. I've been traveling, studying and maybe even playing video games that I haven't really been able to think of what to write next and stuff.

But I was also thinking of letting people adopt some of my stories that I have on hold or some of the stories that I have writers block on. 

Also I have been watching the blacklist a lot lately and I'm catching up on the seasons, like right now I'm on season 3. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this story, my first one after a few years. I'll also will like to know which story you guys want me to update first before I continue on this story. 

Thank you guys for all the support!



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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