2 weeks later
Alexis Conde
12:00 pmI was sitting on my laptop while Ford was taking a nap seeing if there were any new jobs that I could apply for. For fun, I decided to go on the clippers website to see if they were hiring. Clicking on careers to bring me to the drop down box, then clicking medical. It brought me to a page, I scrolled down then I saw the words hiring at the bottom of the page.
Right before I could click on it the garage door opened. I looked over to Blake walking in with a limp. He is home early I thought as I rushed over to him to help him get to the couch.
"Come on big guy" I say to him as I take off his backpack and drop it on the floor. Grabbing his arm and putting it around my shoulder and taking my other arm around his waist, helping him walk to the crime colored couch.
Once he sat on the couch I started pounding him with questions.
"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked worried"I'm fine and I'm not sure what happened all I know is that I went up to dunk and when I came down and my toe started hurting" he said
"Okay but did anyone check on you after to see what was happening and to tell you what to do with it when you got home?"
"No none of the trainers or the doctors were there today, they decided to give them the practice off so they could all be there for the game tonight." He said sounding suspicious
"Do you want me to check or do you want me to call your doctor?" I ask
"Can you check on it, I don't feel like dealing with the doctor"
I nod my head and take off his shoe, then his sock. Looking at his disgusting right big toe. It was swollen leaning to the left a little bit. I grabbed his foot gently looking at the sole of his foot. I took off his other shoe and sock to compare the two big toes.
"Okay so I think that you should sit tonight's game out-" I start but Blake interrupts
"What!! I can't miss tonight's game, CP3 is out!!" He yells
"I understand that but it looks like you did something to your plantar plate, your plantar plate is there in your toe to protect it from pressure and to prevent over extension in the toe. Right now, it is probably nothing crazy just landed on it the wrong way and it's a little swollen. But I'm not the one that can clear it has to be either your doctor or the one of the doctors from your team. So call one of them to see if they can get you an x-ray right now to see if you can play in the game." I say
He nods and grabs his phone.
"I'm going to go get Ford so he can eat lunch don't move because I want to wrap your toe." I say knowing that he would try to get up and walk.
As I'm going up the stairs I think about how Blake and I have become friends in just a few weeks. I'm honestly catching feelings for him, I mean why wouldn't I he is sexy and nice and his baby momma doesn't cause drama. I didn't even notice that I made it to Fords room. When I walked in he was playing with his toys on the ground.
"Hey bud, do you want to go get food?" I ask
He nods and puts his hands up signaling me to carry him downstairs. When we get downstairs I see Blake still sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand texting. I put Ford on the ground and he ran to Blake. Blake picked him and sat him on his lap. I smiled at the interaction between the two and went to the kitchen to start making Fords lunch.

The Babysitter (Blake Griffin)
Fanfiction"What is your name?" Blake questions "Alexis Nicole Conde"