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Lucy set another box in the moving truck and wiped her sweat

All weekend she had been packing and loading boxes

She was moving to Inazuma Town. Lucy has brownish red hair and light red eyes. She was excited but her mother, Hara wasn't

Hara was way over protective about her daughters, Lucy and Kimi, Mimi was still a baby while Lucy was 14

Lucy had to convince her mother hard to let her transfer to Raimon Middle School, her mother was worried about the "aliens" still being there when it was clearly on the news that they arrested the man behind it all

Lucy smiled as the last box was loaded

"Phew" She sighed

Hara walked out of the house

"Lucy...are you ready?" Hara asked

Lucy nodded happily "Yeah!"

Her mother sighed and looked at her daughter

"Why do you want to move so bad anyway? It's nice here" Hara asked

Lucy sighed "Ma, I told you why. Cause I wanna try to get into Inazuma Japan. And become the best in the world"

Hara sighed "what about the best in this town?"

Lucy ignored her mom "come on your just being overprotective. I'll be fine" she closed the moving truck and went to the front passenger seat

Hara sat in the driver seat

"Inazuma Japan here I come!"

And with that, they pulled off

For half the ride, Lucy was thinking about meeting the famous Mark Evans and finding new friends

'That would be awesome' She thought

Until her mom interrupted her thoughts


Lucy looked at her mom "Yes?"

"I don't want you getting hurt. Those aliens might be out there plotting something" Hara said

Lucy just sighed "It's over ma. That ended a long time ago"

Hara sighed "I don't want you to be no where those alien orphans. You hear me?"

Lucy mentally rolled her eyes. Her mom already works a lot and has to take care of Kimi when she's not at work. The least Lucy could do was say yes to take some weight off. Lucy looked at Her baby sister in her lap

"Ok ma" Lucy smiled at Kimi

Hara smiled "thanks for understanding"

Lucy nodded as they arrived at the new house

Lucy got out the truck and smiled "Inazuma town!" She said happily "Next, Raimon Middle School!"

Hara got out and smiled at her excited daughter

"Alright Lucy. Lets get crackin. You have to be at school tomorrow" Hara said opening the trunk and getting a box

Lucy smiled and did the same

Time skip

It was going on 12am

Lucy layed on her bed tired

"Were half way done...we'll finish tomorrow" Hara said "Get some rest"

Lucy smiled "Night mom"

"Goodnight sweetie" Hara turned the light off and closed her door

'Raimon Middle School, I'm on the way'

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