Apparently my mom talked to my dad while i was at school and his best friend has a daughter my age. Which means they've set me up on a play date. Watch this girl end up being a preppy popular girl. or maybe she'll be gothic... who knows.
Friday afternoon
Im going to my dads this afternoon, mom says i might stay the night, or even the weekend. Hopefully my dad loves me. I have no clue what my dads like. he could be some lame guy, i really wouldnt care as long as he loves me. Ive never known what love is like except i know your suppose to love your children. When i grow up and have kids, i will love them more than my own life. i know i will, probraly unintentionally. And they will think im over protective. But at least they wont know what its like to have parents who literally hate you. I get home, do my chores, and quikly pack my stuff. my dad could be here any minute. "