I Have Cried

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Chapters out!!!!!

Matthew's POV:

It felt weird being over Darien’s and Tristan’s house. Not only was I still sore from Chase. My face felt numb and the frequent glares from Tristan weren’t helping me but Darien acted the same. Darien forced me on his lap as we worked, “So how do you want to do this?” Tristan asked me and I shrugged not really caring how the project got done as long as I got a good grade.

I grabbed notepad and a pen and wrote, Doesn’t matter to me. As long as we get a high B I’m all good with it. We can split the work so I won’t have to come over or something.

It felt weird having someone read over my shoulder as I wrote but here I was. Being forced to sit in Darien’s lap as his brother sent me death glares. I felt like I was some trapped animal with two beast on either side of me. One wanted to punch me in the face just as Chase did and the other…..the other I don’t know what he wanted to do but by gosh he was just as dangerous as his twin brother.

“The answer is no.” Darien said and I frowned and so did his brother.

“When did this become our project,” Tristan glared at his brother, “And that’s fine with me.” he said and got up. “I’ll call you-” he stopped and frowned trying to think about it. “Do you have a cell phone?” he asked and I shook my head, “Damn it.” he cursed underneath his breath shaking his head. “Well isn’t this just great,” he growled and got up before slammed his fists on the counter. “Why did I get stuck with the mute!” I felt myself tense up at the volume of his voice.

“Don’t yell at him!” Darien shouted back.

“Don’t yell at him? Oh my fucking gosh Darien! I try to do everything! Everything!” I got up feeling that I was imposing on something very personal.

I tapped Darien’s shoulder too terrified to even be near Tristan in fear he was going to snap and punch me in the face without realizing it until it was too late. I really never saw Tristan as violent person but he was more violent than his friend and that was saying something! Dairen’s eyes soften as he looked at me, “Are you leaving?” he asked still out of breath and I nodded waving just a little.

He nodded and turned to face his brother glaring of course. “Tristan can take you home.”


So here I am. Sitting in the car with Tristan. About three minutes of silence was all Tristan could take until he turned on the radio. Nothing was on in particular just some Adele. I didn’t really care for her. The only thing she sang about is about her jerk of a face boyfriend and that crap.

I mean don’t get me wrong I loved her songs. She had a unique voice. “Say something.” Tristan growled once we stopped at a red light. I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged turning on the other way around. Saying…..nothing. Tristan glared at me and then slammed on his breaks forcing me to almost hit the window shield but thanks to Tristan’s hard grip around my waist forcing me back into my  seat really hard, “What the fuck is your problem!” he yelled in my face and I just stared at him.

I didn’t like yelling not since I was very little. But it made it worse when my brother passed away and that also involved hitting. I was physically prepared. Tristan stared at me for a moment and then let me go getting back into his seat. “I can’t take this.” He said softly and I frowned.

I didn’t ask him to be my partner. So why was he being such a- I mean why was he acting like I’m a pain in his ass? I didn’t do anything! Tristan stopped in front of my house and parked. I sat there for a moment before nodding, “Listen….I don’t like you.” I don’t know why he was telling me this.

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