Chapter 3

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Phew am back finally! Like finally...

Don't know what the hell is even wrong with me I am not able to concentrate.

I sit down to write and suddenly nothing comes up. Maybe I was out of routine for days that's why.

Motivate me people! :( am feeling not good!

Not much sure about the chapter either! Sorry!

But here you go! Happy Reading!

Chapter 3

Nandini's POV...


Every boy is bad...they all are losers I hate them...

I hate Manik...I hate Cabir.

I wiped my tears mercilessly and slumped on the staircase behind the music wing.

The only place which was quit and had no one around. I leaned my head back with the wall and closed my eyes hugging my knees.

Everyone enjoy teasing me...why?

Am I that bad?

Everyone hates me na?

Why....because I am a nerd...

I don't wear fancy clothes that's why everyone hates me na...that's why everyone makes fun of me na...

"Geez!! Look at her ugly dress!"

"Her hair is so messy!"

"Nobody hates you Nandini!" I heard someone saying and opened my eyes with a jerk to see two known people of the most hated group of my list were standing near me.

Harshad and Robert...

I stared at them for a second and suddenly a fear crept in my heart.

What if they hurt me?

I was all ready to screw away when Robert shook his head.

"We aren't here to hurt you!" He spoke politely holding his hands in defense to which Harshad too smiled nodding his head and I gaped at both of them like a fool.

How come they know what I am thinking?

"It's okay don't stress, mia regina!" Harshad initiated the conversation and I was confused...

Mia what?

"Can I sit? Here with you?" He asked again softly and I gave him a small face look to which he was just smiling. "We just need to talk!" He spoke with a shrug looking at Robert who nodded to support his friend.

Thinking to myself for a second I slid a little away and patted the place beside me looking up at him, giving him my consent to sit with me.

He smiled at his friend who was already smiling at me and sat down beside me.

"I am Harshad!" He spoke looking at my face and I nodded, gesturing him that I know his name. "And this is Robert! My buddy!" He continued pointing towards his friend and I looked at him to which he gave me a wave.

"I..!" I started speaking clearing my throat which was hoarse due to crying. "I know your names!" I spoke in a small voice and he nodded back. "So you are gonna make fun of me just like your friend did?" I asked lowly looking between both of the friends and Robert let out a small chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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