HI! My Name is Lexi

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I don't know how to explain my awakening very well...but I'll try...

When I was younger I would have these mental shifts though I would always discourage it because I would get scared to DEATH when they happened.  though until recently I decided to do research on my "wolf like" behavior. After three days straight of researching I can now defiantly say I'm a wolf Therian.

I also recently aloud myself to do what came on naturally and OMG it was the best decision of my LIFE! I became so much happier in just a day it was crazy.  I decided to try meditation since I heard that was the best way to be in sync with my animal. After a couple times I got to hear her, I couldn't see her but I could feel her warmth and hear her. After what felt like hours of playing I had to wake out of it.

After a week of having a strong urge to be with to be with others I went on a long journey to join a pack. After many...many times of being rejected I finally stumbled apon a pack when I was about to give up all hope.

I joined the "Mystic Moon Pack"!!!!!!

When this happened I felt so HAPPYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

Unfortunately though I don't know how I can interact with the pack since I don't have Snap Chat.  Now I'm kind of worried that I will never get to talk to anyone in the pack... Or even get noticed by my pack...

I want to ask how we can make this work but I'm scared to ask anyone ESPECIALLY the Alphas. I dont want to be a burden to anyone...

It even feels wrong stating the fact that I have no clue what to do...

Well I should go before I work myself up to much. Hopefully I get to meet the pack and be able to interact with them.

Wish me luck!


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