New Journey

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Dec. 2, 2017

After a long time trying to find the courage to type this all out I finally decided to give a update on what has happened this weekend. 

I had helped plan out a pack event to hopefully change mine and raven's mind on leaving the pack though it failed and I was left with a decision on if we should leave or not. In the end it was better if we left so that's what we did. I left Mystic Moon Pack.

it was the hardest thing i had ever have to do since family means so much to me and i will admit...i may of cried. But in the end i think it was best. 

MMP was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It taught me many things and I know for a fact I wouldn't have been the same person without it. I have met my closest friends because of the pack and i'm forever thankful. Even though I have left the family I hope we can still stay in touch and that this doesn't come in-between us.

I wish everyone luck on their own journeys as I find my new path in life :D



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