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I stared at my mother as if she was the last thing i would ever see, i ran towards the woods , and beneath the green trees , i dissapeared out of looking .

I walked , without stopping as if memories were following me , trying to catch me , but i went away . The sun was still there in the sky , where we  all want it to be in , and the birds are still in the trees , but where have the orchids gone to ? Where is the wind that used to hug them each time ha passes ? I heard an indecipherable screaming which came from the west , i went there as my heartbeats were beating fast , as my hands were unconsciencely shaking , my eyes could not blink , even though , i advanced . 

Oh ,so you are here ,,, Luke said , I clutched him in a hug and said ; Again , you  scared the hell out of me . He laughed , hhhh .stared at his watch for about two seconds and said ; We should go . Where ? I asked , he stared at me , vaulted his eyebrows and said ; well , a strong gale is coming  , that will perhaps destroy all the city . What ? wait , wait , we are not leaving without her , he stared at me trying to recognize the answer and so as i said , we are not living without mum , i should keep her safe with me , they ll kill her if she stayed here . No , he said , they won t , WHAT ? I asked , what do you mean ? He took my hands and said , i m sorry , i should of told you , they will kill her . luke , I SAID , is this a joke , i don t get it , plus that it s not funny , He tried to hide someting in his thoughts , but , i found it ,i said : They will recreate her thoughts , isn t it ? Why have nt you told me , at least i would help her . I ran again to where i came from , to save my mother , he yelled :No , you won t find her . What ?  i said , how did you know that ? Cause , she won t be there when you ll come back , i  came back , did not listen to what Luke told me , i started thinking , what if that moment when i saw her was the last moment , oh dear god , what should i do ?

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