Characters + Designs

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First part is just gonna be the character designs! Except for the designs of the clan cats, which they probably won't be mentioned to often during the story! The Hamilton characters do however technically live in there own clans but the only difference is, is that they just travel all over in either big groups or little groups, they normally like to stay with friends and family. There are two categories that they all sort themselves into however, which is 'RedCoats' and 'BlueCoats' normally Redcoats and Bluecoats don't travel together and the two different groups have a 'leader' as in they all have one cat they trust to finalize all decisions and all the bluecoats meet up on half moons in their own little meeting spot and all the redcoats meet up half moons in a different area and on full moons, like the clan cats, the redcoats and bluecoats all meet up to discuss what's been going on and they share all the important news that they need too. I really hope that makes sense to you guys!
Leader/finalizer: king George- referred to as either 'King' or 'George' most of the time, red/ginger and white Tomcat with blue eyes, he wears a crown (don't ask where he got it), he's bipolar and gay and adorable.
Leader/finalizers protecter: Samuel Seabury- usually teased and called names by other RedCoats, George picked him to be his protector out of pity, Black Tom with a white stripe that stretches from one shoulder to the other and light brown bangs, brown eyed Tomcat, shy, also he's super gay for King George.
The other redcoats:
Pippy- small, dark brown tomcat with amber eyes, typically called 'Pip' or 'Pipsqueak', he's shy and independent, prefers to travel alone.
Cody- white she-cat with dark brown eyes, she has three small black dots under both her eyes, she's more than happy to strike up conversation with a stranger or an enemy, doesn't care who she travels with, she's also Bi.
Flame- chubby, orange tabby tomcat with blue eyes, he loves eating, super friendly with twolegs most of the time, likes to travel with his mate spark.
Spark- yellowish-Tan she-cat with green eyes, Flames mate, she's also super friendly with twolegs, and loves to talk to Cody.
Coal- black she-cat with blue eyes, she's grumpy and fierce, she despises the Bluecoats with a passion, Hates talking to others except for her brother Click, travels with click and his mate.
Click- black tomcat with a tuft of white fur on his chest and blue eyes, super talkative, also despises the Bluecoats with a passion, travels with Coal and his mate Skipper with their only kit amber.
Skipper- sweet tortoiseshell she-cat with brown eyes, travels with coal, Amber, and click.
Amber: Tortoiseshell she-kit with milky amber eyes, she's blind, she's only 7 moons old, super super shy, travels with her parents skipper and click, and her grumpy aunt Coal.

Leader/finalizer: George Washington- super super nice, acts like a fatherly figure to almost all the BlueCoats, his mate is Martha, he's a gray and white tomcat with brown eyes, mostly referred to as 'Gwash'.
Leader/finalizers protector: Martha- technically she's just his mate but they protect each other from all danger, she's also super friendly and acts like a mother to all the BlueCoats, she's a pale Rosy red cat with brown eyes.
Other Bluecoats:
Alexander Hamilton-often called 'Alex' by his friends and Gwash, he's short, he's a light brown small tabby with green eyes, he's super determined, he hates thomas, he travels with Lafayette, Hercules, and Laurens, he's gay for laurens.
Hercules Mulligan- dark brown muscular tabby tomcat with brown eyes, he wears a bandanna around his head, mostly everyone calls him 'Herc', he's gay for Lafayette.
Lafayette- dark brown tabby tomcat with curly fur and brown eyes and curly bangs, he wears a flower crown, he likes to confuse others by speaking in French, he's super gay for Herc, most call him 'Laf' or 'Laffy Taffy'.
John Laurens: a light brown tomcat with curly fur and brown eyes, he's also super gay for Alex, everyone just calls him Laurens.
Eliza Schuyler- Russian blue she-cat with brown eyes, she's super sweet, she kinda likes Alex but she knows he like Laurens, she stays with her sisters Angelica and Peggy.
Angelica Schuyler- pale rosy ginger with black curly bangs, she also likes Alex but knows that her sister and Laurens likes him, she's also sweet, she doesn't like Thomas, she stays with Peggy and Eliza.
Peggy Schuyler- a light yellowish tan she-cat with brown eyes and curly bangs, she's sweet, nobody pays that much attention to her except for Eliza and Angelica an Alex, she's always with one of her sisters.
Maria Reynolds- a dark ginger she-cat with amber eyes, she's super flirty with Alex, she's mates with James Reynolds, she travels with James Reynolds.
James Reynolds- dark gray tomcat with green eyes, mates with Maria, he's super rude and mean to Alex, travels with Maria, normally just called Reynolds by everyone.
Thomas Jefferson- big, black tomcat with super curly fur and bangs, he has brown eyes, he's mates with James Madison, he has a bunch of nicknames for Madison, he hates Alexander, and he travels with James madison, Aaron Burr, and theodosia, he also speaks French sometimes, he's super gay, and whenever he sits or lays down he looks like a giant mass of just plain curls with a tail and ears( he scares the kits sometimes).
James Madison- brown tomcat with blue eyes, he coughs all the time but he's doesn't spread any sickness, gets sick easily in leafbare, Thomas calls him 'Jemmy' or 'maddie', travels with Thomas, Aaron, and Theodosia, he's gay.
Aaron Burr: a dark brown tomcat with amber eyes, he doesn't like Alex but he also doesn't hate him, he's mates with theodosia, he travels with theodosia, Thomas, and Madison.
Theodosia: a light Russian blue she cat with blue eyes, she's really sweet, mates with Aaron, travels with Aaron, Thomas, and Madison.
Other cats who aren't In a clan or a group:
Shadow: small black she-cat, when she was super young her former twolegs took her to the vet cause she ran into a stick with sharp thorns all over it and her eyes had to be surgically removed and stitched up, she's sweet, shy, and can be fierce at other times, she knows how to maneuver her way around, she's only 9 moons old, her parents and siblings disappeared (a.k.a. The two legs abandoned her).
That's all I have right now, there will probably be more Redcoats added later but for now that's all. I will be switching between the groups that travel together and I'll switch between point of views! However it's like 1 in the morning and I really need some sleep, so this seal is out!
~Ciel 💜
Real quick thing I forgot to mention: On the half moon gatherings, all the redcoats spend the night in their meeting area and all the bluecoats spend the night in their meeting area.

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