chapter 3
Their was a fire burning in my eyes that I had never experienced before. I wanted to slap him, confront him, and run away all at the same time. Just before I made my move, he made his first.
"Look, Look, I know what you're thinking. You may think that Im a stalker or a serial killer or whatever, I talked to Josie yesterday and heard that you were putting your dog down."
I stopped and listened giving him a strange glare. I wasn't sure if I wanted to believe him.
"I wanted to be a good friend and help you out because I know how tough it can be. You know, losing your dog. So I was going to meet you up at the vet but you were already pulling out of the vet so I just turned around and started to head home. You stay on the same roads as me the whole time. It was strange but I didn't want you to think that I was following you. I live at 523 Redwood Drive, just in front of a huge patch of woods. I parked my car in my driveway while you trudged through the woods. I going to say hello when I realized that you would think I was crazy before I fully approached you. I dashed off to my house without even saying hello."
Wow. That was a lot to take in. It was the complete opposite of my prediction and yet it made sense. He couldn't have made that up on the spot but he sounded sincere and he puppy dog eyes convinced me into believing him. I was hoping I wouldn't regret that later. But wait. His story was missing something.
"Why did you try to move my dog?"
"There was a fire ant hill just a few feet over that I noticed when I first approached you."
"Well then why did you say fuck?"
"Because I stepped in it myself."
He begin to chuckle and I began to giggle along beside him. It made a us look like lunatics in the dead quiet bank but that was the first time I've laughed since I've had that dreadful job.