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ariana & justin's private conversation.

justin; ariana can we please talk.

read. @11:11

ariana; meet me, at the spot. no tricks justin.

delivered @ 11:11
read @11:12

justin; i promise

read @11:12


ariana hesitated because it's been an hour, and justin's still not here, she groaned in annoyance, as started to get back to her car, suddenly a arm grabs her arm gently, "your late . " she snarled.

"i'm sorry, i had to run some errands" he spoke, ariana scoffs "are those errands having quickies with sofia, damn it " she spats.

the blonde rolled his eyes in annoyance, "can you get over that, look i said i was sorry can you stop being selfish and quick acting your the only victim here" he yelled.

"i cant get over it and you know why justin " she spats he smirks. "why would that be huh ariana" he said.

"because i actually thought you would be the one, i was just stupid enough to think that anyone would actually stay with me " she said as her voice starts to break.

his smirk fades away, the brunette breathing is heavy, she close to break down .

he reached out to grabbed her arm, she slaps his hand away "stop acting you care, this isn't some fairy tale , you we just kiss and we live happily ever after face reality justin" she says.

"i do care " he said softly. she scoffs "why did you go with her" she mumbles.

he deeply sighs "i just ... i just " he pauses for a moment "well you were gone and i needed you so badly and you weren't here so i went to me res- "

"damn you justin, what the hell? all of this for pleasure " she yells in fury. "do you even love me" she mutters.

"ariana i love you so much, i'm such a mess when i'm not here with you, your the light to my life ariana i'm so sorry i ruined things. i just want to be in your arms " he lips quiver. ariana shocked she's never seen a boy cry before .

her breathing was becoming more heavy, "justin, i love you too and i don't think i'll ever stop, but i can't be living like this. i think we should do what's best for us and go our separate ways" she says as tears threatened to fall.

"no please ariana i can't live without you, i need you, i love you. your gods gift to me. please ariana just give me one more chance " he begged as he's sobbing on he's knees.

he was broken. she was too.

"justin.. i-i can't i'm sorry but this inst some fairy tale this is real life. " she said as she starts crying silently.

she bent down grabbed his chin with her small hands and look into his hazel eyes. "your like a drug to me , i'm addicted you and now i have to quit " she says quietly.

she starts caressing his cheek as he does as well. she pushes her lips onto his. she could feel him smile onto the kiss, they break away

they both got up she grabs his hand "i hope you never forget that i will always love you no matter what happens , whoever you get with next make her feel like she's the only girl in the world " she says

she lets him go she kisses his lips one last time , gets in the car trying to look back.

she zooms away.

she's gone.

justin's heart shattered , "she's gone forever " his voice cracks.

"she was my fairytale "


:,) i think i cried a little .

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