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"Jimin?" Yoongi questioned.

"What's going on?" Jimin asked. His voice weak and shaky.

"Nothing baby, I'll tell you later," Yoongi said as he wiped his tears away and held onto Jimin's hand.

"Hyung, why are you crying?" Jimin asked with concern.

"Cause I'm happy to see you baby that's all," Yoongi said with a sad smile as he held onto Jimin's hand tighter.

"Oh," Jimin said. "I'm happy to see you too."


"Jin hyung, is it true that cats have nine lives?" Jimin asked his elder as he colored a picture.

"No, who told you that Jimin?" Jin asked.

"Minho hyung said that they do," Jimin answered. "He said that cats do so that means cat hybrids have nine lives."

"Minho doesn't know anything, he's a liar," Jin said.

"Oh," Jimin said sadly.

Jin noticed Jimin was upset and let out a sigh.

"Hey, don't be upset," Jin said to him.

"But I really wanted nine lives," Jimin said pouting.

"How about you pretend to have nine lives," Jin said to the hybrid.

"How?" Jimin asked.

"Think about how you'll live each life," Jin said to him.

"Hmm," Jimin hummed thinking to himself. "Well, for my first life, I'll be rich and I'll be mates with some one who really loves me."

"Oh, yeah? Will your partner be a girl or a boy?" Jin asked.

"A boy. He'll have reddish brown hair but he'll always wear a black hat that covers it."

"What about your second life?"

"My second life, I'll be a teacher and I'll be married to a guy who also has reddish brown hair, but he wears a white bandana on his head a lot."

"Third life?"

"I'll be really poor, but someone will take care of me and he'll be in charge of a rich company. He'll always wear a suit and tie and he'll have fluffy brown hair."

"Fourth life, what will you do?"

"Um my forth life. I'll get married to a rebel but he'll love me a lot and we'll adopt a kid together. He'll always wear his hat backwards."

"What about your fifth life?"

"My fifth life, I'll be a famous singer in a group and I'll get married to a rapper in my group who dyed his hair blonde. His stage name will be Suga cause his smile is sweet and his skin is white like sugar."


"I'll be an artist and I'll fall in love with a rapper named August D. I'll do everything with him and go on tours and stuff but eventually he'll quit because he knows it makes me unhappy when other girls look at him."

"How about your seventh life?"

"My seventh life will be really peaceful and I'll have a lake house with my mate. He dyed his hair a pinkish red, but I don't know why."

"What will you be doing in your eighth life?"

"I'll be a gymnist and me and an archery person will get married and we'll adopt two kids. His hair is a mint green color."

Nine Lives [Yoonmin] ✔Where stories live. Discover now