A Change

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As Maui looked at Tamatoa he saw that he was changing form. He was turning into a human and a rather tall and muscular one at that. He walked over to Maui who had his arm spread out in front of his daughter and wife. As Tamatoa approached he cracked a small smile at Moana with lust in his eyes. Moana put her daughter into there hut and then grabbed one of the spears of the wall. When she came back out Tamatoa was now only feet away from Maui.

"Hey beautiful how have you been?" Tamatoa said to Moana with lust still in his eye's.

"How do you change form?!" Moana yelled at Tamatoa.

"Glad you are doing good." Tamatoa said looking at Moana. "Tefti if you must know. I told her the one I loved lived on land and she took pitty on me and gave me the ability to change forms." Tamatoa said crossing his arms.

"And who would that be?" Maui said still angry.

"You." Tamatoa said looking at Moana. Maui put down his one arm and put the other one around Moana's waist and pulled her close to him. Moana put one hand on Maui's chest and the other one on Maui's lower back. Tamatoa then gave both of them a storage look.

"What are you two doing?" Tamatoa said with his arms still crossed.

"Oh didn't we tell you." Maui said with a satisfied smile on his face. "Me and Moana are married now."

"Since when?" Tamatoa said mad.

"Oh about 11 years now." Maui said with a still satisfied smile on his face.

"Well if I ask the chief for Moana's hand... what is that look for?" Tamatoa said looking at Moana who had a smile on her face.

"The chief will say no Tamatoa." Moana said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Tamatoa said becoming more angry.

"Because I'm chief." Moana said now crossing her arms. At that comment Tamatoa became enraged with fury and charged Moana and tried to slap he but was stopped by Maui throwing him backwards with one single hit of his fish hook. Moana clutched her spear tightly in her hand.  The villagers all stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening between their chief and the random stranger.

"Mark my words." Tamatoa said rising to his feet. "Moana will be mine Maui." Tamatoa said angered.

"And mark my words." Moana said walking over to Tamatoa. "I am Maui's wife and will never be yours." Moana hissed through her teeth. She was now in Tamatoa's face with her spear at his chin and he was now bleeding from the spear. Tamatoa leaned down and gave Moana a kiss and shoved his tounge in her mouth.  Moana backed away and started walking quickly towards Maui. When Tamatoa got to Maui Maui began hitting him so hard that Tamatoa's breathing became labored. Once Maui had finished hitting Tamatoa he looked on his hands and saw that his knuckles were bloody. Tamatoa gave Maui a angry face before before getting up and running away.

Moana gpran to Maui and gave him a hug. Maui then picked up Moana bridal style and carried her into their hut. The crowd of villagers then broke apart while having small conversation about what all had just happened.

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