Ssuddenlyy Minecraft

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I yawn as I post my most recent Mod Review. I didnt have many subscribers, but it had been a little while since my last video. School and work were just taking up a lot of time. I hoped that one day, I could do a video with TeamCrafted. That was all I ever dreamed of. Oh I wish I could just live in minecraft with them. We could all be best friends and dork the frick out. I sighed and closed my laptop. I take out my iPod and blast one of Jason's mixes. Eclipse always makes me smile. I slowly close my eyes and drift into sleep.


I wake up and suddenly I'm not in my room. I look around scared and hear voices.

"Ty what are you doing. We need to know whats going on."

"Well Adam keeps muttering budder and he needs to shut up." I recognize the voices. I clear my throat and meekly call out.


"Who's there?" Came two voices. Suddenly, a whole group was standing in front of me.

"Y-you're Team Crafted...." I manage to gasp out. They all look at each other confused.

"Um yeah last we checked. So who are you?" Jerome asks.

"H-haven...I'm the youtuber HavenFlames..." I stutter.

"I've never yeard of you." Mitch says.

"Relatively are we in like minecraft?"

"Apparently. Come on. Its almost night and weve just been standing here." Quentin says. They all set off and I follow them. What was going on?

I started gathering wood and make a crafting table. I then proceed to make an axe and a pickaxe. After I finish I look around. No one was there. I start to get worried because the sun was setting. Something rustles and I turn, and see four red eyes staring at me. I scream and run. Straight into a mob of skeletons.

"Someone help me!!!" I cry as I repeatedly dodge arrows. Suddenly all the arrows stop flying and I look around. Ssundee just killed them all.

"Th-thanks..." I say to him sullenly.

"Why dont you stick with us?" He invites. I nod and walk with him to the other group. They already had a house built.

"Hey ian why did you bring her?" Adam asks.

"She just nearly got creamed by skellys. Give her a break." He says angrily. I just stand there nervous.

"I-if its too m-much of a problem...i'll just go...." I mutter. Ian takes my hand.

"Come on. I'll build you a room." He smiles at me. Ty shrugs and tosses me an apple. I take it gratefully and chomp it donw. I help ssundee with my room and when its finished its daytime. Jerome built his room into a tree, and mitch shares with him. Adam, Ty and Quentin have rooms on the bottom floor right next to each other, and me, ian, and Jason have rooms next to each other on the second floor. Then we all go out to the ravine Jerome found. I stick close to the top, while everyone else goes farther down. Jason stays with me at the top.

"So what made you wanna be a youtuber Haven?" He asks.

"Well...I really looked up to you guys because you all have so much fun and are doing something you love. Plus I like minecraft. Even though the only thing I'll ever be good at is blowing things up on creative....and parkour." I reply. I look over at him and notice he isnt wearing his space suit. I shrug it off and find a vein of iron. After I mine it up, the others are returning, as well as the night.

"There was no budder." Adam says sullenly.

"But plenty of iron and coal." Quentin remarks. We all walk back to the house and go to our rooms. I can hear it start raining outside. I just hoped it wasnt a thunderstorm. Then lightning strikes. I whimper and try to sleep, but then a loud crash of thunder claps and I shriek. Jason comes running in.

"Are you all right Havs?" He asks me concerned. I nod but then another clap of thunder hits and I whimper. He comes over to me and hugs me. I lay down and he holds me while I try to fall asleep. He repeatedly says it'll be alright. Finally, I get to sleep, and I had a goofy grin on my face.


I wake up the next morning with Jason's arms wrapped around me. I smile and gently untangle myself from him. I go downstairs still smiling like an idiot and eat some bread. No one else was awake. I grab my iron sword and go out to gather some supplies. When I come back, suddenly everyone is awake and Ian was pacing back and forth.

"Whats going on?" I ask. Ian looks over and me and pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"Where were you? Do you know how worried I was? Dont scare me like that again Haven." He kisses my forehead and I just blush.

"S-sorry....I was out getting some stuff to make you guys a surprise." I mumble. I quickly go over to the crafting table and craft a cake. I place it on the table and go to my room. I'm 17, why do they treat me like a little kid...

I hear a knock on my door and look up to see Jason. I nod to let him know he can come in and he meanders over to my bed and sits next to me.

"Thanks for the cake."

"No problem...I just wanted to do something nice for everyone since they let me stay here...."

"I'm glad no one objected. Because then I couldnt do this." I looked at him quizzically and suddenly his lips were pressed against mine. I si there startled for a second, then kiss back. I dont know why...I shouldnt...but it felt so right...

He finally pulls away and I just look at him speechless. He smiles and leaves. I press my fingers to my lips. What just happened....

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