Wednesday: July 11, 2012

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{Wednesday: July 11, 2012}

After three days in Las Vegas partying for her best friend, Belinda’s, bachelorette party, Marin decided to tell her friends she was going upstairs to her room for a light nap leaving them gambling downstairs in the casino. Marin was still slightly hung-over from going clubbing again last night and also once again not getting in bed till almost 4am, but she had had to get up this morning to meet all the ladies downstairs for breakfast at 8am and then they went for their final bridesmaid dress fittings.  Belinda wanted all her bridesmaids to wear designer dresses and what better place to purchase them than in Las Vegas during her bachelorette week. After all, Las Vegas has phenomenal shopping. Seeing the dress on her mature curvy figure this morning after alterations had been completed yesterday, Marin couldn’t help but agree with Belinda. The dress she was going to be wearing as Maid of Honor was stunning.  It made Marin look 10 pounds lighter than her 147lb. self, and elongated her 5’5” short stature so that with heels she’d look taller and thinner than she had been since high school ended seven years ago.  Thankfully, Belinda had gone with a black and white themed wedding and black makes everyone look thinner. Marin was more than pleased with the final dress results.  Marin looked down at her cell and it was almost 3pm. She had always wanted to watch the water show in front of the infamous Bellagio and there was a show starting at 3pm. She would just make it if she walked fast and afterward still have time for a quick nap before meeting the girls for dinner at 8pm.

Walking quickly Marin made her way to stand in front of the pool of water and wait for the show to begin. Luckily with it being Wednesday, it seemed most tourists were still hung over because there wasn’t that big of a crowd gathered to see the first show of the day.  As Marin was waiting, she felt a man come up to stand beside her. Looking over she noticed that he was relatively handsome but did seem to be swaying slightly. Thinking to herself that she better move away just in case he lost all the alcohol he had obviously consumed all over her feet, Marin stepped backward only to slightly trip over her own feet gaining drunk dude’s attention. “Hey pretty lady, you by yourself?” drunk dude said then burped, “wanna watch the show with me then we go grab a cold drink?”

“No thanks,” Marin said disgusted with the smell that burp released “it looks like you have had enough and I’m not alone. My friend will be here in just a minute.” Marin was turning to walk further away from the guy when he lightly touched her elbow gaining her attention again. Turning around and looking up at him preparing to refuse his second drunken attempt to ask her out, Marin was just in time to see him sway heavily on his feet and begin to fall forward right toward her. Marin braced herself for impact, but still wasn’t prepared when the drunk guy’s full unconscious weight started bearing down on her. Marin wrapped her arms around his waist best she could but he was just too heavy and she started feeling herself slowly falling backward. Damnit… this guy is gonna crush me!  

Thankfully, she felt the weight lessoning and realized someone had come to help.  An arm had come between her chest and drunk guy’s chest and started pulling him off her before she actually fell down. Once the dead weight had been lifted, Marin bent over at the waste to catch her breath for a second. A few seconds later, she stood upright to thank the person that had graciously helped her out, only to find herself looking a man that was so beautiful she thought the Vegas heat had finally gotten to her and he was a mirage.  He actually looked so much like Keanu Reeves in one of the last scenes at the end of ‘Point Break’ when his black hair was dripping wet standing in the storm looking out at the ocean watching Patrick Swayze surf to his death on that humongous wave, except this guy looked taller than Keanu, his longish black hair wasn’t wet, and those muscles clearly visible thru his white v-neck t-shirt proved that he was definitely more fit than Keanu as well.  Oh God… please don’t let this guy’s voice sound like Keanu’s monotone stoner and stupid Bill & Ted voice…. Please god…please please please. Marin thought to herself.

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