Fred Weasley

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I open my eyes to see Harry staring at me.

"What happened, Harry? What place is this? ", I ask.

Harry bites his lip and says, "It's heaven, Fred".

"I died?", I ask.

"Afraid so", he says.

"George", I think.

"You died too? What happened to you-know-who? ", I ask.

"Actually, I'm not Harry, I'm James Potter, Harry's father ", he says.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Potter ", I say.

"You can call me James. I think you know me better as prongs", he says.

"You are prongs? The 'prongs'? Marauder's map 'prongs'? ", I ask.

"Yes", he says.

"Wow. Me and George always thought you were a genius ", I say.

He smiles and says, "You gonna lie down forever? ".

I smile and get up.

"You look exactly like Harry", I say.

"I know", he says.

"My family? ", I ask.

"Mourning you", he says.

I don't speak for a long time and James doesn't speak either.

"My wife, Lily Potter ", he says.

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Potter", I say.

"Likewise", she says "And by the way call me Lily".

"Prongs, come here", a long haired man calls.

"Hi, Fred", he says.

"Hello, Sirius", I say.

"You want to see your family? ", he asks.

I nod and follow him.

I see all of them, at Hogwarts, sitting at a table. All of them look like they haven't slept a wink, most of their eyes red from crying.

James and Lily put a hand on my shoulder. I must have been crying.

"It's okay, Fred", Lily whispers reassuringly.

I nod.

"What happened yesterday? Who all died? ", I ask.

"Harry defeated Voldemort. Remus and his wife, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, Vincent Crabbe and many death eaters", he says .

I nod slowly. Sirius says," Don't worry, Fred. Your death would be difficult for your parents to cope with. But they'll manage".

"Ok", I say.

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