Chapter 7

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Asia's POV

I took a deep breath once again and climbed down the tree the quickest and easiest way possible. I was going to finally let him see me. I felt nervous and excited all at once.

Finally managing to get to the roots of the tree, I made my way up a rock so he could see me a lot better. I could feel my whole body shaking and thoughts clouded my head. What happens when he finally sees me? Will he be afraid of little ole me? Will he capture me and take me in for research? All these thoughts made me even more nervous than I already was. I wanted to turn back and go home. This was all a mistake!

"Oh wow," I suddenly hear him say.

Little did I know I was on top of the rock. My mind had wandered so far, I didn't realize I never stopped in my tracks.

I slowly looked up at him. Our eyes met. Oh dear, what was this feeling inside of the pit of my stomach? What was this strange feeling? His blue eyes traced the outline of my tiny body. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as he looked at me in amazement.

I felt the sudden earge to run. But I couldn't move. The bravary I felt early was gone. I was afraid. Is that what I was feeling when I caught him staring? Fear? Excitement?

"You're beautiful," he said, his eyes lighting up and a smile crossing his face.

My body shook. What am I doing!? Suddenly, everything was spinning and growing dark.

"Asia, are you okay?" His voice sounded distant.

Everything went pitch black.


Cody's POV

She looked a bit pale now. A blank expression on her beautiful face. She was so tiny. So beautiful. My heart pounded loudly in my chest when our eyes met. What a strange feeling.

"You're beautiful," I said to her.

The look on her face made me worry. She looked sick. And her body was swaying.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

And in that moment, she fainted. Quickly reacting, I held my hand out so she would gently fall in the palm. I looked at the small person I was holding. This wasn't a dream at all. It was real. She was a real one inch girl. She was so beautiful.

Suddenly I heard a noise in the brush behind me. I spun withba start. Holding asia behind my back, my eyes met with my sister's.

"What are you doing way out here?" She asked, curiously looking at my hands behind my back.

"Just clearing my head is all," I replied, moving around to keep her from seeing what I held.

"What do you have behind your back?" She asked, trying to look.

"Nothing... Just my hands," I said with a chuckle.

I had to get away. I couldn't let Ali see Asia.

"Well, I'm going to my room now. I'm a bit tired from being out here and I couldn't take a nap cause animals were running about waking me...  Bye."

And with that I turned on my heel and trotted back to the house. That was a close call. Even though I'm not in the clear yet. My room was the safest place for Asia right now. But I had to find a place to hide her.

"Oh, Cody," I hear my dad say as I came in the door. "Lunch is on the table if you're hungry."

"Cool, thanks dad," I stated grabbing the plate with a sandwich and chips and carrying it to my room.

I had to get to my room. No more distractions. Asia could be seen if I'm not careful.

Finally reaching my bedroom door, I entered and closed it behind me. I sighed in relief. I was safe.

"Where am I?" A voice asked.

Looking down in my hands I see Asia rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room and up at me.

"Oh no..." She said in dismay.

"Don't worry. My sister showed up in the woods and she kept asking questions. The only safe place I knew was my room. And I couldn't leave you laying about in the woods," I assured her while setting her down on my desk by the window.

She looked a bit scared. Maybe I went to far as to bring her here. She was far from what was familiar to her.

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