Nothing Like Before

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Jimin was filling up tortilla chips and bars at the front counter an hour before opening when the new cashier walked in a half an hour early. The new guy was about the same height as Jimin and that's about all they had in common. Jimin wore leather jackets and combat boots with ripped jeans and baggy tees, almost everything in his wardrobe consisted of blacks and reds. The new guy however, was dressed in a pale yellow sweater and acid wash jeans paired with bright colored converse. Though they were basically the same height, his frame was much smaller than Jimin's, if not for the big sweater Jimin was sure the bones of his hips would be jutting out. He walked over to Jimin knees wobbling awkwardly and stuck out a shaky hand.

"I'm Yoongi." He said, his voice full of nerves.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and used it to lift himself from his kneeling position on the floor infront of the counter. He brushed the dust from his knees as he stood up right, shooting a glance at Yoongi through his thick black hair.

"Jimin." He said before turning towards the stock room.

When Jimin didn't hear foot steps behind him he turned to look back at Yoongi who was still standing awkwardly by the counter.

"Well, come on." Jimin said motioning Yoongi with his hand.

Yoongi walked quickly until he was behind Jimin who started walking without him before he could catch up. Yoongi followed silently and paused long enough for Jimin to unlock the office door before following him inside.

"Sit." Jimin said as he left the room and walked towards the safe. Four clicks and the safe was open. He pulled out a chunky black till and brought it back to the office, dropping it on the table infront of Yoongi. "There should be two-hundred dollars, count it to make sure. If you're not sure then I'll recount for you, okay?"

Yoongi nodded and started thumbing through the change in the till. He made his way through the coin and began counting the bills. When he finished counting he looked at Jimin and nodded.

"All there?" Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded again. "Use your voice, please. You're a cashier now, you can't be so shy."

"Yes, it's all there." Yoongi answered.

"Awesome." Jimin reassured him. "When a customer walks up to the counter the first thing you do is greet them, say 'Hello, how are you?' or something similar. Finish ringing in their things and taking the cash, after you return their change and reciept just wish them a good day. That's it." Jimin finished with a shrug of his shoulders.

Yoongi nodded again and furrowed his brows deep in concentration, trying to remember everything JImin just told him.

"I'll watch your first few orders and help you out if you need it but you'll pick up quick, don't worry about it." Jimin was being more kind than usual with the new trainee.

Usually they didn't last long but Jimin thought Yoongi had potential. He also kind of felt bad for him, he knew him from school, they had graduated together about two years back making them both about nineteen or twenty years old. Jimin remembered Yoongi as the weird quiet one who hid in the music room playing piano during lunch and any other free time he had. He didn't remember Yoongi having many friends and now he felt bad about not helping him out back then because of how socially awkward he was now. High school sucked enough without the addition of being lonely and awkward. Jimin felt bad again remebering a few times where he and his group of friends publically laughed at Yoongi and picked at him in the halls. He prayed that Yoongi didn't remember but deep down he knew he must.

Yoongi clicked his till into the register and closed it so it was prepared for his first customer. Jimin explained different things Yoongi could do when no one was in the store. He could stock bars and he could sweep behind the counter and make sure everything up front was in it's proper place. When Jimin was sure that Yoongi knew what to do he flicked on the 'open' sign and unlatched the front door.

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