Get Out

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Jimin brought a hand up to Yoongi's forehead and brushed back the soft brown pieces of hair.

"You don't have to do this because you feel bad for me." Yoongi said quietly into Jimin's cold leather jacket, shivering now that his cheek was almost numb from being pressed against it.

"I'm not doing it because I feel bad. I mean.. I was at first." Jimin admitted. "But you really are playing with my heart Yoongi and it's been a long time since anyone has done that."

Yoongi looked up at Jimin biting his lip as he tried to hide his gummy smile.

"Aish!" Jimin yelled. "Take it easy on me."

Yoongi laughed so sweetly in his deep voice if that was even possible and it made Jimin's stomach swoop at the sound. Jimin unzipped his jacket and opened it up letting Yoongi hug him under his jacket where it was warmer.

"Jimin you're heart is beating kind of fast, are you okay?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin made a series of flustered noises not knowing what to say and leaned down in an urgent search of Yoongi's lips when the front door swung open.

"Min Yoongi!" His mother yelled pulling him from Jimin's grasp by his ear.

Jimin stood in shock on the porch as Yoongi motioned his hand for Jimin to leave while his mother was dragging him through the doorway. Jimin jumped off of the front porch, two steps at a time and disappeared down the sidewalk. His eyes were wide in confusion and he had questions, why was he running? He leaned against one of the street lamps and caught his breath, turning to look back at Yoongi's house. He saw one of the upstairs bedroom lights turn on and a small sillouhette rapidly walk in, another following close behind. The two stood face to face in an argument that almost scared Jimin when he saw a third sillouhette, deffinitely his father, walk into the room. The third sillouhette only came to drag the smallest, his mother, out of the room. When the his father returned alone Jimin had a much better view because he'd unknowingly started walked towards the house again. It looked like Yoongi's father just returned to shake his head and leave again, leaving Yoongi alone. Jimin was furious because he hated the thought of Yoongi hurting and being alone.

Jimin sat under Yoongi's window and waited for the lights to turn out everywhere else in the house. He heard a gentle hum of music coming from Yoongi's slghtly open bedroom window and no more arguing throughout the house. When Jimin felt safe he hooked his foot in the bottom of the lattice that went all the way up the corners of the house, coincidentally, by Yoongi's second level bedroom window. Jimin crawled quietly all the way up to his window and tapped on it lightly. He saw Yoongi sitting on his bed cross-legged with his head laid back against the wall. Even though it was mostly dark he could tell Yoongi was crying. He clicked the screen off of the window undetected and slid it into the bedroom onto the floor and then proceeded to open the window and climb inside all while Yoongi was sitting five feet away from him listening to music with his eyes closed. JImin kicked off his shoes under the window and put a knee on Yoongi's bed to pull himself towards the wall where Yoongi was sitting. Only then, when he felt the dip in the bed beside him, did he realize some one was in his bedroom. His eyes shot open and Jimin stiffled his quiet scream with his hand. When Yoongi realized who it was a sob ripped through him and he cried harder than before, mouth turning down into a pout. Tears started to catch in the corner of Jimin's eyes as he shushed Yoongi. Yoongi sat there curled in on himself looking so sad and alone and Jimin wanted to hold him and make everything okay.

"Shhh.. It's okay." Jimin whispered so quietly against Yoongi's ear. "I'm here now."

"The gay thing." Yoongi said pressing his forehead into Jimin's, breathing heavy from crying.

Jimin laid back in the bed pulling Yoongi with him. Yoongi laid on Jimin's chest and Jimin ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair and soothingly along his bare hip where his shirt had ridden up. He held onto Yoongi tracing circles on his hip until he calmed down.

"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation." JImin said apologizing.

"Would you have still gone for me if you knew how my parents were?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes." Jimin said without hesitation.

"So this is hugging?" Yoongi asked, dry eyed looking up at JImin.

"No." Jimin laughed and Yoongi looked confused. "This is cuddling."

"What's kissing?" Yoongi asked instanty regretting opening his mouth.

He looked down to hide his face from Jimin but Jimin placed his fingers under Yoongi's chin to pull his face back up towards Jimin.

"Kissing.." Jimin said moving close to Yoongi's face. "Is kind of like this.."

He pressed tenderly into Yoongi's lips before quickly pulling away making Yoongi chase after him.

"Or this.." JImin said shifting on to his side knocking Yoongi off of him hovering over him slightly to take the lead and press their lips together a little more passionately.

Yoongi was quickly running out of breath from the new sensation. He tried to remember how many times he thought about kissing Jimin, the big bad boy. He couldn't think about wanting to anymore because right now he was. It didn't last long before Jimin pulled away again.

"For now let's stick to the first one." Jimin said laughing. "As much as I'd prefer the second one it's still day one so I don't want you to feel overwhelmed or anything."

Yoongi was grateful that Jimin was giving him options and not pressuring him into things because even though this was all so intoxicating it was also new to Yoongi and he'd be lying if he said he didn't still feel a little scared. Yoongi surprised Jimin by pecking his lips one more time before turning his back to Jimin, laying on his side. Jimin took this as instruction to wrap his arms around Yoongi torso and pull him closer. He flatted both hands out overlapping on Yoongi's small, soft stomach. He snuck his pinky under the hem of Yoongi's shirt and dragged gentle train back and forth just under his belly button until eventually Yoongi was so relaxed that he drifted to sleep.

It wasn't Yoongi's or Jimin's cellphone alarm that woke them for work unfortunately. It was Yoongi's father ripping the blankets off of them in the morning and pulling Jimin out of Yoongi's bed by the collar of his shirt. Yoongi pulled and hit at his fathers hand as he was dragging Jimin up to face him. JImin stood frozen until the last time Yoongi pushed at his fathers arm that was holding Jimin and his father pushed him backwards with too much force causing him to land on the floor. Jimin was a lot stronger than he looked and he used his strength in one hard shake, pulling free of the mans grasp. He ran over to where Yoongi was sitting on the floor, hand on his hip that landed wrong and hit the floor a little too hard. He picked Yoongi up from the floor into a standing position with his hands under his arms like you stand babies up.

"Both of you get out of my house!" Yoongi's father shouted, red with anger. "Now!" he yelled again making Yoongi jump and rapidly grab a sweater barreling down the stairs infront of JImin. Jimin jogged closely behind as Yoongi swung open the front door and flew down the steps, it soon turned into Jimin chasing Yoongi. When he finally caught up he gripped Yoongi's shoulders and spun him around into a hug in which Yoongi responded by bumping Jimin's chest and pushing him off.

"What do I do now?" Yoongi yelled with tears gathering in his eyes. "Where do I go?" he yelled again.

"I live alone." Jimin responded keeping his hands on Yoongi's shoulders to stay eye level in hopes of calming him down.

"Nice, but I don't want to live alone." Yoongi said with his arms folded infront of him.

"I meant for you to stay at my place until they cool down. They'll understand eventually." Jimin reassured him.

"Really?" Yoongi asked not putting up a fight anymore.

"Yes, really. Come stay with me and we can cuddle like we did last night but no one will be there to yell at us, or we can kiss.." Jimin said winking, trying to bring Yoongi's mood back up.

Yoongi laughed and swatted at Jimin's chest and Jimin grabbed his hand, holding it and yanking him into a hug. This time Yoongi didn't resist, he breathed out in a sigh and backed up before they began walking away from Yoongi's street for what Yoongi didn't know would be the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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