What is hope??
Hope is the thing that drives everyone
Not happyness but hope
Hope can never be lost
It can only be pushed aside
Nothing is ever truly lost
htatJust forgettten that it was there
Like the book you completly forgot about but never lost
Sadness is what battles with hope
Darkness fights a tough battle
Hope is that small thing
That thing that is the fire in the heart of all
It makes people not give up
Don't let that hope fade in your heart
You know that hope that your best friend gives you
That feeling when you know you can do anything and nothing stop you
That is something you will never forget about like hope
You know also that false hope your so called friends give you
Yeah thats not the hope im talking about
I am talking the hope you get to move peoples heart with
That is the hope I am talking about
We need more of this in the world we live in
So I ask all of you to please dont
lose your fire in your heart
Don't lost your kindness
And know your not alone
And dont lose your hope
Times will get better.
Thank you all.