Chapter Four - Punishment Hallway

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I stand back up and push the chair to its original spot. I make my way to the seat next to him and do as I did with the other seat. Not long after, he calls for the mysterious lady I have yet to see.

"Eveline, mannaja (Y / N)!" (Translation: Eveline, come meet (Y/N)!)

I stare at my plate placed in front of me. I hadn't even noticed that time had flown. It had gone from 10:27 am to 11:14 am instead. I had completely missed breakfast. I look at my plate and try to distinguish what was on my plate.

I could see that he had, probably, made us some kind of BLT sandwich. "I got Eveline to make us something you used to eat at your childhood home. You like BLT's and baked potatoes, right?"

To be honest, I didn't think my life was so out in the open. 'Where did he find that information?' I grabbed the fork on top of the napkin to the right of my food. I don't know whether to trust him or not. There's no telling what he has planned.

"As well, I wouldn't try to 'sneak' out of the house." 'How does he know what I'm thinking?' I hate that he knows what I have on my mind.

"I'm not hungry," I push the rubbish away. Taehyung sighs. "You need to eat, (Y/N). Your health is still important to me." I refuse to talk. I stare at the man beside me. He furrows his face. "(Y/N), you will listen to me. Either you eat, or you will be punished."

"But, I'm not hungry." I try to hold back my tears once again. He sighs out, very, loud. "Follow me."

Taehyung looks at me with a disgusted facial expression. He lifts up his hand and makes a, 'come here,' gesture with his finger. His eyes had also gotten noticeably darker.

I try to shift out of my seat and stand up on my feet. Just as we're about to leave, that Eveline lady shows up with a plate full of baked potatoes. "We'll be heading to the room, for now, Eveline. I want you to fetch me my key."

Everything someone could, ever possibly, think was going off in my head. 'What was he going to do? Where were we going? Was he gonna kill me now? Or worse... is he going to torture me?'

She leaves and comes back to the kitchen corner showing off gold, silver, and brass keys that had a scorpion, spider, and a snake on each of them. "Start walking down the hallway."

He takes ahold of my shirt and pulls me in frontward to lead me down his hallway. He pushes roughly into the small of my back signaling me to start walking.

We slowly make our way to the room. He yanks me to a stop as soon as we stand in front of a door. The door was all black with a brass doorknob. It had a scorpion in the very middle of the door.

"Please, Taehyung! I'll do anything! Don't make me do this!" He walks around me to unlock the door

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"Please, Taehyung! I'll do anything! Don't make me do this!" He walks around me to unlock the door. The lock opens with a 'click' and he turns the knob giving the door a firm push.

He shoves me inside once the door is open wide enough. As soon as I'm inside, I look around to try and see my surroundings, again. But, before I could even take a glance at the room he was inside the room and had shut the door, making the room pitch black.

"This room is for your current punishment. The rooms will get worse everytime you disobey me." I hear him from the other side of the room this time. It's like he flew there without touching the ground. There was not a peep once from him.

In an instant, there was a blinding light from one light bulb hanging from the ceiling. I could, finally, see where Taehyung was located in the room. Because, as soon as he turned on the light, I had spun around on my heel. I found him straight ahead of me holding a chain with a handcuff on it.

Before I can come to my senses, he has the cuff around my wrist and me trapped to the wall. I'm scared, but also furious. "What is this?!" He just smirked and turned to stroll out the door. Before leaving, he had turned off the light, again.

As he makes it to the door he turns to look at me with the little light from the hallway. "If you don't wanna listen and eat when I tell you; then maybe you should stay here for 48 hours."

I'm horrified out of my mind. 'Is he telling me he's going to make me starve?! He can't do this!' He slowly starts shutting the door. It's pitch black inside the room again.

"Taehyung, PLEASE," I start to cry. Not tear up, actually cry. I let it all go not realizing how scared I actually was now. I could only imagine what it would feel like at 24 hours, much less two days.

I make my way to the wall and slide down it trying to dry up my tears. I have officially fucked up. I can't starve to death! Well, I won't starve to death... but it will most likely be really painful since I can't eat. I should have just listened to him and ate the food.

I move around on the floor trying to get comfortable. But to my disliking, I soon find out that the floor and wall are damp. If I stay in here for 48 hours I can get cold and sick. This entire room is screaming 'pneumonia' at my body.

Several hours have passed, I guess, and I can hear footsteps at the door. They stop, and I can hear the lock on the door 'click'. Signaling that the door is now unlocked.

The door slams open and I can make out Taehyung on the other side of the door. "Be careful with the mattress, Eveline. I don't need this torn up before we can get it to her."

'He was bringing me a mattress?'

"Slide it through, like this-" Taehyung had finally got the bed inside and they were making their way to me.

"Why are you bringing me this?" He makes his way towards the lights and flicks it on. He makes the biggest dick face one the planet.

"Oh, would you prefer to sleep on the floor then, sweetheart? I just assumed you wanted to be warm while you were hungry." My eyes shoot open. It's already so cold in the room, not to mention the floor, too. "No, please! I want the bed."

I force myself to stand up as fast as I possibly can. He knows he has authority over me now. He and I both know he's won. "What do you say?"

'Is he serious?'

I force back my tears feeling completely helpless. "Can I, please, have the bed..." He seems happy with what I said. "Now, what can you do for the bed cover?"

(Editing/Completed) Psychopath Neighbour (ft. Kim Taehyung)Where stories live. Discover now