How High Schoolers Think

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Allright... So this is like a new installment that I'm trying to do, its FanFiction of HowBoysThink.. and if you don't know who they are.. You might as well log off your computer and continue living in a box. You're welcome. (Awkward) 

Anyways... Here's a little... Info on my friends.. :D In this fanfiction, I'm asking questions to both guys and girls! So its a little different from HowBoysThink but they still deserve the credit^^ Anyways, the questions I asked weren’t the best especially for the guys because when I recorded the whole thing, (there was about 10 guys there) so when I started asking questions, like halfway through some guys started yelling out answers... and I got pissed>.< 



Me, Myself And I(Jazmin) - I am the most... random person you will meet. It’s probably a slight exaggeration but you get the point. I say random organs just because. I laugh a lot, and I hate my laugh because I sound like an obnoxious person. People say I'm loud and sometimes immature but who gives a freak? I don't (Obviously!) Usually I'm stuck in my own little world listening to my ipod in class (badass) Oh, and I'm the only Mexican in this little group since all of the losers(girls) I hang out with have blond hair except for Michelle:P. & Brooke who dyed it sort of red for no apparent reason.

Cara- Is one of those blond girls who would hook up with you anytime. She has tons of suitors. Example; she got 15 valentines and a sonnet on Valentine’s Day and complained that she didn't get a lot. We call her a slut even though in reality she isn't. Because she can't even fit a whole Popsicle down her throat, oh and she's a major nerd. Oh and she thinks a lot of guys are hot when in reality they are just gross looking. (She loves moustaches)

Clarissa- Is one of those girls who has like a great fashion sense, and can actually wear 3-inch heels for an entire school day. She's like high heel superwomen or something. Trust me, you do NOT want to walk around in those shoes in our school where there are about 3,500 students. She likes getting sticks from the ground and sliding them up and down your legs when you're wearing a skirt with a creepy pedobear face. 

Michelle- Is one of those girls who would slap the ... knockers of your face if you steal her food. She has a strange liking to pickles for some reason. Oh and she has a lot of derp faces that will make you laugh for the longest period of time. So she is basically the queen of derp faces and would literally put on a moustache for fun. (I honestly have no idea why my friends are obsessed with them)

Gracie- Is like one of those cute pets you just want to cuddle with all day. I'm not saying she's a pet because she can get weird at times. Gracie has a weird person that yells at her for random reasons and she's a girl scout so you see, she is a goodie tooshoe. Just like Cara. Even if Cara believes making out with a 10th grader is considered a favor since she stole his first kiss. Gracie is just a person you can't get rid of because it would literally break your heart.  

Kristina- Is like a model. Not literally but we keep telling her to be one. Anyways, I honestly don't know a lot about her except that she takes a Spanish class (go figure) and eats a lot without gaining a pound. She was just there when I was doing the survey so I was like what the heck! 

Brooke- Is like the most... selfish money grabbers you will ever meet. I'm not joking. Brooke loves money and reading more than her own friends. At lunch, you will most likely find her on the corner of our cement bench while everyone else is talking to each other. She’s glued to her phone reading. I used her iPhone to record our surveys with much begging involved. NOTE: Brooke will pay you to get her food (which is like only a 3-5 minute walk. TO & BACK!) Oh. She tends to bitch a lot but we still love her. For some unknown reason…


Carl- Is an imaginative sex crazed boy who always believes on 'sucking on the first date' and wants a crazy rack. So always wear closed sweaters when around him. He is one hormonal teenager who can't seem to get any. BEWARE: NEVER WEAR LOW CUT SHIRTS AROUND HIM.

Roberto- Is another imaginative body crazed boy who always wants the rack and ass. He doesn't believe in a girl actually having a personality and rather get it down then settle down. BEWARE; MIGHT HAVE A CONDOM IN HIS POCKET. NEVER WEAR SHORTS AROUND HIM. 

Mike- Honestly.. I don't know Michael as well as I would want too... So... I am just going to try and explain this... Haha. Michael laughs a lot actually and would buy you something just because he knows you want it, even though you don't accept it. He says a lot of quotes and stuff from Family Guy and South Park and he's pretty funny and chill. And he's a sophomore while everyone else is a freshman in this. (:o)

Alfredo- Is like one of those guys who just says things without thinking sometimes and gets laughed at. I feel bad at times since I'm usually causing it. I hit him a lot and we hang out a lot (since we're best friends) He's pretty funny at times when he isn't overeating for things and he's sweet but he's also a manwhore at times so BEWARE. PLAYS CARD GAMES AS WELL. So he thinks he’s pretty cool about that^^

Charlie- Is one of those guys that people think they’re the smartest people EVER. (He is smart but still) He's pretty funny, he used to be even funnier when he was immature and perverted but ever since High School started, he's beginning to act 'mature' and less perverted. Which is darn right sad. (Idk where darn came from) Charlie and I argue a lot for no apparent reason and I'm surprised he actually took this survey. 

Next Chapter will be the survey!!! 

-TheOneAndOnlyMexican C:

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