I hate mondays, not all mondays

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Beep beep bleep is the first thing I hear as I wake up. "Ugh, it's Monday. Why does it have to be Monday." I mummer to myself trying to ignore the alarm. But it's no use cause my mom is a backup,"Cameron, wake up you're gonna be late for school." "Five more minutes." I mummer. "Maybe you shouldn't have stayed up all night watching that Scooby-Doo movie marathon." She says then leaves. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, had a bath and got ready for school.

Time skip

My mom packed my break fast with my lunch cause I was already very late for school.
So I ended up with two meals at lunch today. Today's Monday so before I continue here's my schedule. At home I think it's pretty obvious. In school I have ICT with my best friend Jake then        I have French then then recess then chemistry then wood shop with Jake. The only reason I hate Mondays is French. It's not like I'm ever going to France so what's the point.

Time skip

Finally , lunch time. If I can get through the next hour then I'm home free. Today has been the worst. Nothing went my way.
1. I dumped pancakes on my ICT teacher by mistake.
2. I had a pop quiz in French
3. I blew up the chemistry lab
4. I caused the schools biggest food war and got the schools biggest detention
5. And finally I gave Mr Watson a wax apple by accident.
On the bright side he doesn't completely hate me.

I'm walking home from school with Jake. It's pretty silent. We reach my house,"see you later." He says."you too."

As I walk in  I noticed my mom making dinner." Hey mom what's dinner." "Meatloaf ",she simply replies. "Ooo my favorite!"
"Cameron I have a surprise for you." "Really what is it!" "Charlotte please come down here ." "Waaaaaah!" I exclaim as I see my sister walk down the stairs. Her and my mom are the closest people to me and I don't see her so often since she's always at school. She's the only one who knows about my power. I ran over to her an gave her a tight squeeze and she hugged me back seeming equal​ly as happy to see me. After that we all sat down to catch up but something's not right. Something made Char a little unnerved.

Ooo suspenseful.
Hey guys I'm new to wattpad so please vote and tell me how to make it better.
Squad out.

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