Want me

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The relay comes by quickly and Jungkook's relay team is lining up. Jungkook stands behind them all, antsy to get the race over with.

As Yoongi and Jackson are talking, Jungkook sneaks a glance at Taehyung. The boy seems really distracted, playing with the goggles in his hand, face still slightly pink.

Jungkook steps closer to the boy, nudging his shoulder. Taehyung's reflexes are slow, but eventually he looks up at Jungkook. His face isn't as happy as usual, but rather worried.

"Tae are you okay?" Jungkook blurts out, not even realizing he nicknamed the boy.

"Uh, yeah. Just nervous." He says before tuning his head back to the boys in front of him.

Jungkook knows something's up, something that has to do with Jimin. However he won't bug Taehyung. He'll find out the real story soon from Jimin.

It just worries him. The way Jimin was acting like he did something to one of Jungkook's swimmers. Who knows, for what it is, Jimin could have ruined Taehyung's swim tonight if it's anything bad.

Jungkook watches the boy carefully, ignoring the cheers from behind him of a few girls their age.

Taehyung does end up swimming fine, even seeming to speed up at the end. Overall they all have a good relay, taking first for the second meet.

Jungkook gets out of the water, noticing Taehyung already walking away. Yoongi and Jackson just congratulate Jungkook before also leaving.

Jungkook shakes his hair out, eyes looking for the tanned boy again, before he's interrupted by a high pitches voice.

When Jungkook looks down, giving up on his search, he spots a familiar little girl.

"Sally!" He says with fake excitement when she jumps up and down.

"Jungkook!! You did so good, Emma and I were watching and clapping. We cheered! She's gone now but she says hi too!" Sally says excitedly, Jungkook just smiling at the little girls energy.

"That's great! Sally isn't it a little late? I think you should go to bed and sleep, don't you think so?" Jungkook says to her, watching her pout.

"Aww but I wanna stay with you Jungkook!" She whines, grabbing Jungkook's arm.

Jungkook looks up, noticing Jimin, waiting behind for Jungkook at the lifeguard chair.

"Sorry Sally but I have lifeguard things to do! Get some rest." Jungkook says, lightly tugging his arm back from the little girl who pours again. Jungkook waves to her happily and she waves back before trudging her way back to her mother.

The pool starts to empty, as the meet is finished. Jungkook makes his way over to the other side of the pool where Jimin is collecting his clipboard from the chair.

The pool is dark, only a few lights being on.

Jungkook looks around, realizing he never did see Taehyung leave. Or his other swimmers.

"Hey I'm here." Jungkook says once he's reached Jimin.

"Good. Okay. This will be quick don't worry." Jimin says, clutching the clipboard to his chest as he looks at Jungkook.

"Okay so tell me what happened." Jungkook says, opening his ears up to Jungkook, even though he's a little worried.

"Okay. I don't know what it is, or why this is happening. I'm telling you this because so far you're my favourite lifeguard friend okay!  But I kind of started...developing feelings. For Taehyung." Jimin let's out, not giving Jungkook anytime to register.

"Wait! I don't exactly know yet so for take my word for it." Jimin says rushing his speech.

Jungkook looks at the boy speak, thinking about what he said. He... has feelings for Taehyung? His swimmer?

"Okay... so what'd you do." Jungkook asks, remembering Taehyung looking flustered and Jimin looking guilty.

"Don't freak out okay..." Jimin says, making Jungkook's heart beat quicken suddenly.

He stills nods though, curious to know what he could have possibly done.

"We were just getting ready in the bathroom. And Taehyung was just so nervous... and cute. He wanted to prove himself or something, about swimming fly against Yoongi.. anyways, he was freaking out a little and I wanted to help." Jimin says, Jungkook no longer wanting to listen.

"He wouldn't stop babbling about proving himself to you and Lisa, and he wouldn't listen to me. I thought the time was right, and well, I....kissed him."

Jimin finally says the dreaded words that Jungkook was waiting for. He sighs, loudly.

Jungkook is full of annoyance all of a sudden and he doesn't know why. He just wishes he could have been there to comfort the younger, instead of Jimin.

"What...was his reaction?" Jungkook asks slowly. Jimin leans his back on the lifeguard chair and sighs.

"He pushed me away instantly. He told me we were best friends and all." Jimin says with disappointment.

Jungkook isn't quite sure what to say.

"Sorry Jimin." He says and pats the boy on the back. He lets Jimin rant a little more, trying to comfort him as they walk back to the staff room.

This won't be easy. Taehyung isn't easy. He knows what he wants and what he doesn't want is Jimin.

Do I want him? What if he doesn't want me...

I feel like it's too much to post everyday bcs you guys have to read everyday but I kinda like posting everyday Lmaoo

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